Page 129 of Wolf Domination
“You don’t need to play to anyone else’s tune anymore, Willow. You’re no longer walking into a ring in preparation to undergo your final fight. It’s long past that,” he lectured in hopes I truly understood the picture he was revealing. “You’ve already won the match by surviving. Awakened a force that no one saw coming. Endured the madness they wished to put onto you and the endangered wolves you’ve gathered. You fought through every attempt to outcast you into the shadows where I’m sure many wished for you to remain, and guess what?”
“It’s time for them all to see the true winner of this match. To acknowledge your domination and fucking pray that you don’t focus on the revenge you deserve to lay upon all of them for what they’ve done,” Viktor whispered. “They’re trying not to show it, Willow. The fear they carry at the idea of you rising into your born rights. It’s not because they don’t want to follow you. They have no choice but to bow and submit. They fear what you can now do because you no longer need to do what they say. You can fight fire with fire, and what better way to ignite change than by throwing a can of gasoline into the mix.”
"You want me to demand a break,” I whispered as I finally got what he was trying to say.
“You’ve earned it, have you not?” he offered and rewarded me with a smile that made my heart skip a few beats. “But you’re not demanding a break. You’re ordering they give you immunity while you enjoy an earned vacation.”
The idea felt too good to be true, and yet it sparked a sense of excitement in me while the threads of anxiety and uncertainty were snipped away with every second that passed.
“At the strike of the new year, we get time off. All of us. Our entire pack. No explanations or negotiations. Anyone who breaks this faces punishment far more horrendous than death itself,” I summed up and looked into his eyes for approval.
“No mercy to anyone who dares interrupt our pack vacation.” His expression alone could kill a man. "Doesn’t sound as frightening, does it?”
“No,” I replied and couldn’t help but hug him. “Thank you, Viktor. I…I really needed this.”
“I know, Sweet Fighter.” He hugged me tightly back. “Remember, it’s okay to not be on your A game. It’s scary…and sometimes makes you feel like you failed, but you haven’t. It simply proves how much you want this.”
“I really do want this,” I emphasized and leaned back to look up at him.
“Then you’ll get everything you desire,” he assured me.
“Including another kiss from you?” I dared to ask and watched the look of defiance on his face that had me giggling. “You hate showing affection, don’t you?”
He didn’t answer, but I didn’t need him to as I wrapped my arms around his neck and went on my tiptoes to kiss him firmly on the lips.
“It doesn’t matter though,” I muttered against his lips. “I kinda like that side of you.”
He began to blush as I continued to smile sweetly at him.
“Do you want me to be more affectionate?” he quietly asked as his eyes bored into mine.
“You’re very affectionate, Viktor,” I countered. “You don’t know?”
His look of bewilderment answered my question, which was why I went along with my explanation.
“Every day for the majority of my life, you’ve vowed to protect me to the best of your ability. When you’re not protecting me, you’re supporting me in my hobbies and various passions, and it’s thanks to your support I got into cage fighting as an outlet. You’re one of my foundations. My rock who’d always be there when I needed you. The dynamic between us may have changed, but it doesn’t mean you have to change the way you show just how much you love me.”
He seemed surprised by my words, but I could tell they took a load off him as he relaxed a little.
“I still want to kiss once in a while,” I teased with a wink before plopping a kiss on his lips and slipping away. “Why do I feel like Saint was here earlier?” I pondered as I walked to the vanity to make sure I didn’t look like a horrible mess.
“Hmm. I should check on him, but if he’s still recovering, I don’t want to bother him,” I muttered more to myself as I reached out for the assigned phones for the event that were made to be untrackable and disposable by the end of the night.
I was sure Jayce did something to all of ours as an extra measure when I stormed out earlier, but for now, I wanted to check in with Saint through the phone instead of bothering him with the pack connection.
I felt calmer in comparison to before, but I was sure the others were doing their part to ensure this runway happened.
I can at least check on Saint.
He picked up on the first ring.
“Now, Blossoming Flower, you should be plastered against a wall being fucked instead of calling me.”
I choked on my saliva, which had me coughing and patting my chest.
“Saint! What imaginary bullshit are you sputtering?” I demanded. “I’m not being fucked.”