Page 134 of Wolf Domination
"You look nothing of the sort, Willow.” His voice was so tender, the softest tone I’d ever heard from him.
He was still managing to hold time, which was crazy to me because it was surely draining his magic reservoirs, but he couldn’t pull his eyes away from me while I continued to ponder how the hell I got so lucky to be looked at in such a manner.
For someone to stare at me with so much loving passion that it felt like I’d drown from its consuming waves of divine affection.
"Do you wanna know the first time I realized I’d fallen hard for you?”
That intrigued me as my eyes widened to stare into his silver orbs.
“Yes…,” I quietly stated as I braced for what felt like a rare secret he was about to reveal for my ears only.
He took three solid steps, his closeness only emphasized by the closed, mirrored space of the elevator. His cologne taunted my senses just as his blanketing aura only further accentuated how safe I suddenly felt in Viktor’s presence.
My heart began to calm, just like my breathing that I hadn’t realized was so rapid. It really was as if he were the antidote after experiencing such a frightening nightmare.
“Your very first match.” He spoke with longing, as if he were witnessing the very moment all over again.
I recalled that day clearly, the night still young as the crowd cheered wildly in anticipation for what was to come.
Fresh meat in the heart of the ring, the final fight of the night with straight knockouts from my opponent who’d been the champion for six months.
My attire wasn’t much different from the lingerie I wore now. I hadn’t expected to have the courage to fight that night, but Viktor pushed me to do it for my own sanity.
To get rid of all that pent-up anger and frustration.
"You stood there in the spotlight, the crowd wild and hungry for a show. Some wondered who the hell you were, while others already placed bets on how many seconds would pass before you were knocked right out,” Viktor recalled with a glimmer of amusement. “Their shit-talking and jeers were simply background music as your focus was only on your opponent. I knew right before the bell rang that you’d win.”
“You knew?” I asked with a bit of a shy smile. “How could be so sure back then? I was a noob of a fighter.”
“It’s simple, really,” he stated as if he were going to reveal some big secret. “My Sweet Fighter never loses when she has her mind set.”
I had to laugh because he was so fucking proud as he stood there with that solemn expression of immense love.
“So you fell in love with the idea that I’d never lose.”
“Mhmm.” He laid his hands against the mirror surface, boxing me in so I could only stare into his consuming gaze as he leaned in closer. “But you know what really left my heart galloping in captivating?”
“What?” I could barely take another breath.
“Watching you take that motherfucker down and rising as the crowd was completely silent in shock,” he revealed, and I could envision it just now.
The flashing lights, the heavy breaths, the complete silence surrounding me as I stood there staring down at my knocked-out opponent. The adrenaline racing through me, the beads of sweat dripping down my beaten-up flesh, and the wild thrill of victory that made me search for the one person I knew would be fucking proud of my sole achievement.
Just like back then, all I had to do was find the set of silver eyes to be joyfully pleased with my accomplishments, and this moment seemed no different.
Those orbs of silver, like piercing bullets, always locked on me.
“The woman who not a single person bet on defied the odds.” His voice was barely audible. “The fearless woman in that moment saw what she was capable of.”
“There was one person who bet on me though,” I had to remind him as we only leaned closer, our lips barely brushing as my lips widened in a serene smile. “That tall man with eyes of silver who placed a single bid on his fighter.”
“Right.” He’d clearly forgotten just like I’d forgotten whatever we’d been focused on earlier. “Was that the day we made a nice million of spending money?”
“Ya,” I purred. “The day you treated me to a sundae at three in the damn morning.”
“Wild times,” he teased. “You had a sweet tooth.”
“Did I?” I couldn’t even remember—like I even cared anymore. "It’s a shame you don’t like sweets.”