Page 137 of Wolf Domination
He seemed deep in thought for a moment, as if he were trying to calculate something, but when his eyes met my half-opened ones, he managed a smile that seemed far too precious.
"What were you thinking about?” I decided to ask while I could.
“Which one of the guys is going to kill me in my sleep for fucking you in the elevator,” he replied and shrugged. “I can’t determine if it’s Onyx or Dimitris.”
“You forgot Neo,” I pointed out with a sly grin. “Silent killers are fun.”
Viktor actually shivered. “Maybe I’ll just bargain for Jayce to hide the tape.”
Oh shit…
"Was that all recorded?” The idea simply made my pussy flutter—as if she weren’t full and satisfied.
“Yes,” Viktor answered while clearly observing me. “Yet you’re happy as fuck.”
“Good porn material,” I offered. "Now I know I shouldn’t feel like a limp rag doll from electrifying sex. What happened that possessed you to think elevator sex was a good idea?”
“I wasn’t possessed.” He rolled his eyes.
“Just because you weren’t speaking Latin mixed with Spanish and a magic language, that doesn’t mean I didn’t sense you doing some Voodoo shit,” I voiced and tried to point at him, but it went right into his eye. “Oh fuck. Oops.”
“You can’t see, can you?”
“Oh, I can see very clearly, thank you,” I responded. “But my coordination is off, I think.”
He blinked his poked eye a few times before he shook it off and swiftly picked me up.
“Can you stand?”
“If I say yes, will you fuck me until I can’t?”
“If we didn’t need you to elegantly walk down the runway, I would,” he reminded me as he peered into my eyes. “Fuck. That was scary.”
“Having sex scares you?” I gasped in horror.
“Oh,” I replied and smirked. “So, what shit went on when I was on cloud nine of euphoria? Spill and don’t give me any excuse as to why we gotta go, cause you’re holding time again.”
“I’m holding time because the door to the main floor is right there.”
“Oh shit, really?!” I gawked. “Everyone in the building would have seen you ramming me like a wild boar with my naked ass and all these divine mirrors?” It was a wild sight to imagine.
“You don’t even look frightened at the possibility of being seen,” Viktor grumbled as he stared at me with obvious disappointment.
I smirked and shrugged. “Maybe I’m just tired of hiding the fact that I’m dating nine men.”
“Ten,” he corrected.
“I included you,” I countered.
“You forgot Arthur.”
“Oh, so I’m dating him, huh?” I purposely teased him because that meant he’d already accepted Arthur when he was the type to give everyone hell. “What a change of heart! Was it the sex? Please tell me it was the sex.”
“No,” he groaned and looked like he just wanted to disappear. “He’s helping a lot more than anyone is realizing.”
“Aside from making our new clothes?”