Page 159 of Wolf Domination
Surrounding her silhouette were various scenes. The miniature images reminded me of a photographic film that gave you a glimpse into someone’s life.
Each scenario reflected a moment Willow had experienced with all of us. They were all times where she may have felt insecure and yet portrayed strength to the person she was facing.
Some scenes were mid-fight—a boxing ring match, a confrontation, a battle in the wild—while others were more intimate—kisses, hugs, hand holding, and sexual moments.
There wasn’t enough detail to identify it as Willow and her Forbidden men, but it was hidden with UV ink to ensure only we understood the true beauty in this painting that was now on display for the world to see.
“All the scenes are scenarios where you didn’t feel good enough and yet you walked through those moments convincing yourself you deserved to be loved. To be admired, cherished, acknowledged, and taken seriously in a world that would do anything to keep you in the shadows,” I explained softly as I lightly kissed the side of her neck. “I think we all can agree as we enter this new arc that’s ahead of us that we feel rather raw in nature. We’re entering unknown territories where we have no clue if we’ll be accepted or if we’re walking into a bigger frying pan that’s ready to consume us with its scorching wrath.”
I delivered a kiss onto her wet cheek, noticing how her tears ran freely now as she continued to stare at our created masterpiece.
“Overall, it’s frightening…and yet, I know with you in the picture, we can conquer anything. We venture through storms and enjoy the rainbows that emerge out of them, despite our own flaws and insecurities. None of us are perfect, but we all do our best to keep walking down our paths, knowing that we don’t need to be flawless to face real challenges and survive them with battle wounds we’re proud of.”
She nodded slowly as she turned in my hold so she could face me.
“You’re trying to remind me that I’m a badass bitch and no one can say otherwise,” she summed up with a smile that made my eyes soften as I pressed a delicate kiss to her parted lips.
“Exactly that,” I mumbled against her lips. “And that we all really love you. No matter what this next path has in store for us, we love you, and we’ll continue to be a pack that stands for one another no matter what comes in our way.”
“And if anyone tries to stop you guys from loving me?” Her voice barely hit the surface. “Even me?”
"Well, we’ll have to tear them all down,” I voiced before I kissed the top of her nose. “As for you, we’ll simply have to remind you why we fell in love with you in the first place.”
“Romantic,” she commented, but she looked completely satisfied as she hugged me tightly. “Thank you, Neo. For letting me be the first to see this. I really did need the boost.”
“I know, Sweetness.” I hugged her back and quietly admitted, “I needed it more than you know.”
“Are you scared of what’s going to come?” she inquired, and I’d bet she was thinking about all these crazy changes.
From Arthur joining the pack suddenly to save Saint and Aura entering the picture after being in Faerie for fifteen years.
"A little.” I didn’t mind admitting it. “But as long as we stay together and are ruthless, we can face it all.”
“True,” she agreed and pulled out of my hold to take a deep breath. “This is where we part, isn’t it?”
“Ya,” I replied and wiped the tears from her cheeks. I knew we were both thankful Milo had placed a spell on us to keep our appearance intact or we’d be looking a tad messy.
At least I’d look like I’d enjoyed giving head to my sweet lover.
"The signs in both directions say ‘Men Only,’” I pointed out and watched her lift her head to confirm what I’d seen long before.
“Observant,” she muttered but grinned. "Fuck that.”
Now I had to laugh.
“That’s our Rebel of a Sweet Flower.” I threw a few of the nicknames together, and she laughed and hugged me one last time.
Our embrace was tight and filled with various emotions that swarmed through me, but out of all of them, it was her confidence in herself that showed the brightest.
"From this moment onward, no more questioning ourselves,” she whispered.
“Exactly,” I replied. "We get back to our rampage of revenge.”
"After celebratory sex,” she whispered into my ear before she lightly tugged my ear lobe. “I can take anal now.”
And I was hard in seconds.
She snickered and released me before I could try to snag her away, heading straight in the right direction until she was at the door and glancing back at me.