Page 171 of Wolf Domination
He had a point.
"So to answer your question, I may be deemed rather villainous in nature, but no matter my role as king or queen, I’d never go against my loyalty to you,” he vowed.
“So your performance back there was to ensure King Lysander is aware that you’re officially mated and taken,” I summed up and recalled the look in King Lysander’s eyes. “He ain’t giving a shit.”
"You noticed?”
"If the burning possessiveness in his eyes wasn’t enough, I’d go to the court and request to be deemed legally blind.”
He chuckled lightly as he lowered me back to the ground.
"He’ll come around.”
“And if he doesn't?” I offered the possibility, to which Amos simply grinned like a damn fool. “No.”
“I said nothing.”
“I had nine mates before you waltzed into that main lobby looking like a hot snatched fae of twin witch and turned the hands of destiny to make you mate number ten. Ain’t no way I’m adding another one to the equation because he has yo-yo commitment issues.”
“Yo-yo commitment issues?” he repeated in pure amusement. “That’s the term we’re using?”
“Yup!” I replied. “Cause if he committed to you, I have a strong feeling you wouldn’t have come down here.”
“Maybe,” he genuinely answered as he admired me. "You’re taking this mate thing rather smoothly. It’s freaking many of the fae out.”
“Huh?” That was random. “Why would it freak people out?”
“Shifters who already have a mate or mates don’t handle the unexpected reveal of a fae mate well. Generally speaking, most shifters are possessive fuckers. Wolves and dragons especially. It intrigues everyone that you didn’t freak out. Though, they’re even more surprised that you haven’t spoken with your apparent best friend since the reveal of her being a twin.”
“I don’t see what we’d speak about regarding the revelation,” I noted. "Oh hey, Willow. Crazy that I just found out I have a twin sibling who I previously knew at some point in my chaotic life but that memory was erased with the rest of their existence as they were forced to be raised in Faerie and take over two thrones while my outcast self was abandoned here like a true misfit, but know what’s even crazier?” I rambled in one breath. “Witnessing my twin sister being bonded to my ex-girlfriend!”
“Does it actually look that bad from the outside?” he asked and pouted his lips. It was clear he couldn’t wrap his mind around the problem at hand.
“Yes!” I stressed. “Doesn’t it appear as though Aurelia would hate me? I know you may not be aware of everything that happened prior to your arrival here, but I roseto the High Chair position in the High Council. A position the Coven has been stressing Aurelia her whole life to take. Now I get to be with my pack, rise to multiple thrones of power in various aspects of my life, and am mated to a fae king…errr…and queen, AND I’m courting another fae prince who will one day be king. That doesn’t include my pureblood of an Alpha, whose place I’ll be taking in six months, FYI, or my blood manipulator artist of a royal mate, my inferno wolf ghost rider mate, my Dark Lord playboy mate, my duo reaper and reaper-in-training brothers who enjoy stalking me, and we can’t possibly forget my new addition of a popular fashion designer and gambler hybrid who’s really Lucifer’s son! Do I need to explain more to emphasize how golden of a powerhouse I look to one who was supposed to be in my shoes?”
“Well, if she was supposed to be in your shoes, she’d be in them,” Amos noted in a matter-of-fact tone that made me blankly stare at him until he sighed. “I get it, but I don’t have the emotional capacity in this testosterone-filled form to care for my sister's circumstances or feelings.”
“At least you’re honest,” I muttered.
“I barely know my sister,” Amos emphasized. “But I doubt she has the intention of hurting you over this cascade of unfortunate events. At the end of the day, this is your destiny. If you’re destined to have eleven mates, so be it.”
“Ten,” I corrected and side-eyed him. “No.”
“I’m good at persuading,” he admitted with a wink.
"Why are we in the closet?” I decided to change the subject. “I thought we’re getting back to the others so we can get situated.”
“Arthur told me to meet him here.”
“In the closet?” I questioned. “You know he’s mated to Saint.”
“Not interested.” He dismissed the idea of him being intimate with someone other than me and his apparent ex like an upcoming plague. “I’m fluid with my sexuality, but I’m picky.”
“Your personality as a male is polar opposite than when you’re a female.”
“I’ll take your compliment with great pride,” he commented but slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. “Keep still for me.”
I was going to ask him why, but the sound of the door opening caught our attention.