Page 185 of Wolf Domination
He said he was proud of me…
It was thanks to me that he took his last breath.
The reminder made me bite my lip hard as if the surface wasn’t already riddled with bite marks. One more bite would finally make the flesh burst, and drinking whisky with a broken lip would be a pain in my ass.
I forgot how many drinks I’d had already — not like I cared — but it seemed no amount of alcohol was enough to aid me in forgetting my current misery.
The weight of responsibility now in my grasp.
I didn’t know where the others were.
It wasn’t as if they weren’t trying to reach out to me. I was pushing them away. Honestly, I’d pushed everyone away who’d dared to try to reach me right now.
Phone off. Pack connection blocked. My conscious shielded away from the world.
Bria wasn’t complaining about my dismissive behavior.
He was currently curled up in my subconscious, but he was wide awake just like I was.
Staring. Pondering. Trying to figure out why we fucked up.
We were finally victorious.
After everything we’d gone through, we made it to the finish line that everyone was waiting for and yet, we lost a man who’d sacrificed so much to see me prosper.
A man who had no choice but to walk down the path of fate and treat me poorly like the rest of the world because he had no fucking choice.
I didn’t have all the details of why we had to go through such an agonizing journey.
I was sure it was similar to the Fae and how they had to come down to the mundane lands and fulfill their time being average humans until their calling, but with the wound so fresh, I couldn’t see the logic in any of it.
It was crazy to me that Roberto didn’t die being the Alpha Mafia Business Lord he was.
Instead, he died because of me. Died protecting me from my best friend…
I fought every part of my being to not think about that part. I was positive the moment my eyes had locked onto hers as she stared back in disbelief that there was nothing but hatred in my teary eyes.
There were a few people in my life that I hated, and I truthfully thought the Vile Queen had now topped the list with the pain she’d delivered to all of those I cherished.
Yet things had changed…
In my raw state of agony, Aurelia Delianna Clementine was at the top of my fucking list.
Surely there was an explanation for it.
There had to be…
No way could she have hated Roberto —or me —enough to possibly pull the trigger of that pistol. To even go through whatever lengths to get that special bullet when there were only a few in the entire world.
Logically, I knew she had to be innocent in some way.
Innocent or not…my Papa is gone…
I gripped the glass tightly, and it was only because of the magic spell I’d placed upon its exterior that kept it intact despite the wrath of my grip.
If I let it even crack, all my restraint would slip away.