Page 202 of Wolf Domination
“Let’s run away!”
I tried to smile but my lips continued to tingle from the electricity that had pulsed through me for the last two hours.
My wrists remained sore, the red marks only temporary because the healer would be here to “fix us up” before we went our designated ways.
“We can’t run away, Aura,” I muttered as I stared at the ceiling.
I felt too tired to move anyways, my body remaining upon the metal table that seemed to be my only foundation from slipping away from these sessions of agony.
“She’ll find us…and kill who we love.”
“We won’t know until we try.” Aura’s voice was barely there — the hoarse sound only making me sad because she wanted to be positive.
I was sure she was trying to cheer me up as if she hadn’t gone through the same agonizing torture as I had.
Having her here these last few sessions made them easier. I guessed having someone with you to experience the same agonizing torture made it more survivable.
“She’s going to kill everyone I care about. Papa Dearest, Viktor, Onyx, and Aurelia.” I paused and managed to turn my head enough to look at her as she lay upon her own metal table, her body just as limp as mine while she stared up at the ceiling with those hopeful green eyes.
It made her look so innocent. If I hadn’t managed to enter that magical place of flowers, maybe she wouldn’t have been pulled into all of this madness.
"I don’t want her to kill you, Aura.”
“She can’t kill me, Willow.”
Aura glanced back at me, and her eyes dimmed with seriousness as she frowned.
"She’s not allowed to. The only power she has over me is you.”
“Then why don’t you leave me?” I offered. “I’m only a hindrance. You don’t need to suffer with me. What if she does something that makes it impossible for you to return home?”
“She can’t stop me,” Aura whispered. “I’m deciding to control my destiny. I want to be here with you, Willow. You’re my destiny.”
“What if we die?” I didn’t want to say those words, but it was my greatest fear. “What if we can’t keep handling this anymore? I want to be strong. To prove to Papa Dearest I can do this…but…I’m scared we won’t make it.”
“We won’t die,” Aura assured me. “I have a plan. It’s scary and requires one more treatment, but then I can set things in motion. I’ll lead them to this place. Let them discover the truth that’s hidden within these walls. Then you won’t have to come here anymore, Willow. You’ll be able to recover elsewhere.”
“What about you?” I already didn’t like this plan because I feared it didn’t involve her. “We’ll still be friends, right?”
“You’ll always be important to me, Willow,” she emphasized. “Just like my sister. Even if she has to forget about me.”
“Why does she have to forget?” I just couldn’t wrap my head around the idea. “I won’t…forget about you, right?”
She gave me a sad smile and looked upward.
"I’m not sure yet,” she quietly confessed. “I’m not really supposed to be in this form.”
“This form?” I didn’t understand.
"Let’s just say I’m a bit different in my world. I have to be. My people…the kingdom…they don’t favor females in power. At least, one of them doesn’t. Just like how you said you have to change into a boy to please your father and those in his pack. It’s one of the reasons why I no longer fit here…but Aurelia has a chance at meeting their expectations.”
"The Coven doesn’t like Aurelia very much,” I noted. “They keep calling her a misfit.”
“Because she doesn’t fit the path they wish for the Coven,” Aura muttered and raised her hand up to stare at her palm which was covered with scratches. "Aurelia is strong. Very strong. They fear her.”
"Why don’t they fear you?”