Page 219 of Wolf Domination
“Play?”Her voice was so tender and sweet, but it was the bubbling glee hidden in the single word that made me beam like I’d won a grand prize.
“WOOF!” I gave up on the idea of being soft and immediately crashed into her, which sent us both into the waters.
“Looks like Willow really likes Aura’s wolf,”Milo announced.
“You found them?”Jayce asked.
“Yup. They’re in the middle of the glowing spot where there’s a bunch of animals and illuminated trees,”Milo announced.“I’m not there yet. I’m seeing them from the cliff.”
“Their magic is extremely compatible,”Neo acknowledged.“Their auras blend very nicely.”
“It’s crazy to think they’re mates,”Saint commented.“I’m not necessarily shocked by it, but it’s been a long time since I’ve witnessed something like that where two meet for the first time and things just click.”
“I have a genuine question,”Viktor began.“When we ascended into our positions on the High Chair, I remember being told that Willow was destined to be with eight endangered wolves and a warlock. Since then, it’s clear things have suddenly expanded with Arthur and now Auraleia.”
“Don’t forget Beta Malachite,”Arthur teased.
“No,”Loki and Onyx said in unison.
“You’re wondering if destiny changed for the better or the worse,”Dimitris answered.
“Exactly that.”
“If you want my honest opinion, I think this change may just be what we need to potentially win this invisible fight.”
“Win this invisible fight?”Jayce repeated.“What do you mean?”
I was intrigued with what they were talking about, which was why I paused in my playful splashes with Auraleia to focus on what Dimitris had to say.
“Well, remember what we saw on the runway before things went downhill? Who sat parallel from each of us?”Dimitris emphasized and was greeted with silence.
I shook out my fur in the meanwhile before moving out of the stream to sit on the grass happily. Aura ended up joining me, and the two of us relaxed while lazily moving our tails from side to side.
“That wasn’t a coincidence. Our ghosts from the past are alive and well. Beings we thought were no longer with us or were separated from thanks to the cruel hardships of life. There they were, sitting in the front row to acknowledge our existence. To me, that was confirmation that our role is far grander than anyone expected,”he elaborated.“Willow is the centerpiece of our domination, and we’re well aware that many don’t wish for our succession. We have too much power, and the more one obtains in this world, the easier it is to change their destiny.”
I wasn’t really following along, the stillness of relaxing in the patch of grass mixed with Aura’s floral scent that was wrapping around my frame made me sleepy.
“At the end of the day, our Moon Goddess has the best interest for us. Maybe originally we would have been fine, but with how things have shifted in the last few weeks alone, we’re entering a battlefield we weren’t initially ready for. Those in higher places witness that. They see the advantage and disadvantages we’re about to face, and maybe that’s why our previously decided destiny has changed. In the end, we won’t know the final result until we reach the finish line.”
“What if we have to face the Vile Queen in the end?”Arthur asked the question, his voice rather soft in my head.“She’s the finish line, isn’t she?”
“Maybe,”Dimitris genuinely answered in a way that made me feel he didn’t care if she was or wasn’t.“Whoever is at the finish line will have no choice but to face us. That final confrontation will be the catalyst of change in NYC and perhaps multiple shifter and magic communities. We can’t really predict anything, but if the Vile Queen truly wishes to be our final pit stop, so be it. Her death is long overdue.”
“Do you believe what they’re saying?”Onyx whispered.
I closed my eyes just as Aura began to lick the side of my face. Maybe she wanted to keep me occupied instead of focusing on the conversation at hand.
The gesture was nice, even though I was already aiming to zone out from the conversation.
"No.”Dimitris's voice was stern.“But we essentially have less than 4 days to prove otherwise…or else…”
I wasn’t sure if he’d truly trailed off or if I was slipping out of consciousness, but I didn’t fight the blanket of sleep that wished to tuck me in and steal me from the world of consciousness.
I knew I couldn’t play naive forever, but just for one more night, I wanted to be an oblivious fool.
Just one more night…until I face the truth.