Page 222 of Wolf Domination
I wanted to punch something now that I’d found out such news. To think anyone was buying this pile of phony bullshit made me want to wreak havoc on anyone who dared question my best friend.
Ex-best friend.
"They want her dead,” I snapped.
“A lot of people do.” Aura shrugged as if was a common occurrence.
“You’re not bothered?” I asked while glaring at her. She was so damn calm about it, which nagged at me in an odd way. I wanted to see her true emotions, and yet, this discussion only made them disappear from her face, which was no different from a blank canvas.
She met my gaze and observed me carefully, noticing the obvious anger in my eyes.
“Do you still love Aurelia?”
The question wasn’t what I was expecting, but I wasn’t going to let it detour me from our conversation.
“Despite everything, I won’t completely void our friendship,” I blatantly noted. “Do I love her romantically? No. Not anymore. I forced myself to move on because it was the best for both of us. That doesn’t have much to do with why a lot of people want her death or explain your lack of empathy.”
“It annoys you that I’m not being an emotional mess at the idea that my sister is purposely being targeted by the very people she’s spent years trying to prove her worth to,” she summarized and glanced away to stare at the horizon. “I bet you’d act differently as Willow.”
“I’d act the same whether I was male or female, Auraleia,” I huffed.
“Prove it.”
Her eyes met mine once more as returned to staring at me.
I actually laughed because this seemed utterly stupid and a waste of time, but with a mere shift of my magic, I was back to being Willow.
"There,” I began. “My switch in gender hasn’t caused me to change my mind nor ignore how angry it makes me that someone I once cared about is being falsely accused for a magnitude of things she did not commit. Everyone saw what she did do…and there’s no avoidance in accepting that level of punishment, but don’t go throwing every fucking sin another has done on her when the real culprit is still at large in a community that’s just as selfishly fucked up as their apparent villain.”
Aura simply observed me, to the point that I pouted my lips.
“Why do you keep staring at me?”
“Despite everything you’ve gone through as a born female and magically changed male, your emotions hold their weight and you don’t lie despite your shift in genders,” she quietly commented and looked away. “It’s weird.”
“Weird?” I wasn’t following her at all right now. Maybe it was too early in the morning or I was just slow today.
"My lack of emotions isn’t because I don’t wish to scream as loud as my lungs would allow or seek revenge for a woman that was forced to be made an enemy against everyone,” she emphasized. “I have no choice but to tame my emotions because that’s a habit I’ve been forced to uphold in my kingdoms in Faerie, Willow.”
She reached over to take the glass from my grasp and put it to the side with hers.
"My anger makes the ground quake with rage. My sadness makes the sky boom with uncertainty and encourages endlessly droplets of rain that wish to wash away all my sorrow. My people watch like hawks to see any speck of weakness they can hope to use against me, despite their utmost loyalty to the kingdom they were born in and forced to serve.”
She moved her hand slowly until it laid lightly upon my mine, her eyes never leaving mine as she allowed me to see a speck of her emotions.
The underlying rage, the pulsing agony of sadness. Deep within, she hated everything that was happening, and yet she couldn’t dare show the world her true emotions.
"As a queen, I have to carry a mask that voids any sense of mercy for to our kind. Women are seen as weak imbeciles who don’t deserve to sit upon a throne of power.” With a blink, I now stared into those intense spheres of Amos as he didn’t hesitate to lean in until our lips were mere inches apart. “As king, I can be a ruthless savage on an anger tantrum one minute and be in a happy mood the next. No one would dare question my ruling or judge me for my reactions. I could truly be an emotional tidal wave and everyone must bow and acknowledge my emotional distress as normal for one who carries the kingdom upon his shoulders.”
His lips laid lightly on mine as if needing to remind himself of the bonded connection that hummed through us with the slow, passionate touch.
"So it makes me curious to see how despite your switch in gender, your emotional display is similar to one another. It’s a privilege I never got to experience, which tugs me from our conversation and leaves me fascinated after witnessing it,” he confessed and tilted his head just to kiss my neck ever so slightly. “It’s no different than how it’s so easy for me to do what my body is begging me to do versus how cautious I am as a female in how I interact with you.”
He smirked a bit as he pulled back to notice the slight flush in my cheeks.
“I’ve yet to figure out if my apprehension is my sister’s fault or if it’s because this world deems female-to-female intimacy as odd.”
"I…I don’t mind you wanting to be intimate as a female, Auraleia.” I meant those words.