Page 23 of Wolf Domination
The click of my heels echoed through the dark space as we walked right out of the portal—the frigid atmosphere inviting us into a space that immediately reminded me of an approaching plague.
A serenade from a pipe organ reverberated upward, the sound desperate to escape the ceilings of stained glass and pierce through the clouded sky to the heavens.
Aside from the glacial environment, the atmosphere was thick with so much tension, it was contagious—my body immediately shivered while goosebumps rushed to take over my bare arms.
I knew Blacky was observing me carefully as if to determine whether my shiver was out of fear or due to the temperature shift.
From the scorching hot of the burning city to the freezer temperatures within this cathedral.
I left him to his observation of my actions as my hand slipped from his so I could stand before the massive wooden doors that would lead to the nave of this church.
They were obviously closed on purpose, a sign that I wasn’t welcome even though I’d clearly been invited, but it still wasn’t enough to push me to retreat.
I’d lost that privilege the moment I walked through that portal.
The challenge began here, before these doors that would lead me down a single path toward the altar of this holy sanctuary.
The serenade wished for my departure, the minor keys and dramatic crescendo in the harmonic song telling me to part ways before things turned for the worst.
Or maybe this serenade was a song of mourning, but I had no intention of dying.
Not when this situation was in a domain that relied solely on my presence. Eyes would be watching me while ears strained to hear my every word the moment I walked through those doors.
The results of this test would carry beyond this plane—to the depths of the underworld where our cowardly enemies waited for the verdict of judgment.
To determine if we’re worthy of their loyalty or betrayal.
The reminder of the deathly plane drop made my heart speed up while my fists clenched in pure anger.
These individuals of holy matrimony between their faith and the Lord they served wished to vanquish me, for I was becoming too much of a threat.
A photoshoot that had yet to hit the very stands of NYC ignited them to make the decision to offer me to our worst enemy in hopes of gaining whatever offered reward they would be presented in return.
In the end, my death was what they wished for me, even though it was clear I had relations with their own secret power source.
All of that didn’t matter, for my existence was too much for them.
I hadn’t allowed the anger to flood me in the presence of Loki, Saint, Milo, or even Blacky, but now that I was reminiscing of what I’d experienced at the hands of the Vatican and this Arthur puppet, it angered me to levels that were becoming unmeasurable.
The howl in my head only encouraged the immense fury overtaking my senses, and maybe it was liberating knowing Bria had my back.
It felt good to have her present within my subconscious for this next step needed to prove we were set on our new mission that would change paranormal shifter history.
The first steps toward Wolf Domination…
Before I could grasp it, my hands were already pushing the massive doors as if they didn’t weigh a ton in comparison to my body.
The eerie creak seemed to overpower the vociferous hymn that reached its peak chorus, and that only encouraged the next movement of my confident steps as I walked into the space of prayer.
It was beyond dark, the shadows of mist covering the majority of the pews. I knew we weren’t alone, for I could hear the muttered words of prayer from trembling voices, but it didn’t distract me in the slightest as I continued down my path toward the altar.
Truthfully, I could compare this to walking into a throne room; each step took me closer to the sole being of power who was waiting to confront me at the end of the path.
Each step got harder as my body instinctively yearned to push me as far away from here as it could. The air was suffocating, the volume of the pipe organ was reaching a headache-inducing high, and it was so bloody cold I had no choice but to hug myself in an attempt to keep me focused on the task at hand.
This entire experience made me feel like I’d entered a blizzard with no hope of escaping its frigid demise, but peering into the shadow mist before me only confirmed what had to be done.