Page 232 of Wolf Domination
“How dare you?!” Lorsan pointed at Baku, who slid his hands into his pockets once more.
“You can gladly prove me wrong, but I’m pretty sure your ass is weak as fuck. If Beta Malachite was here, you’d be but a split twig. As for our apparent new Alpha, I have a strong feeling she’d kick your ass as well. Anyone here could certainly take you on with no trouble at all. That proves you’d be a shitty Alpha.”
“Why don’t you come up here and say it to my fucking face, orphan fucker!”
“I love how you always make fun of me for being an orphan when you’ve got parents who abandoned your ass ‘cause you were so fucking ugly.”
A few people gasped while others whistled at the bold mockery of a statement.
“Who wants to go against Lorsan, hmm? Actually, since you three up there think y’all gonna be the new leaders of our pack, why not prove yourselves here and now? Show us what you’ve got so when we get ambushed or targeted, we can wholeheartedly defend y’all knowing you’d do the same in return.”
Their expressions alone told me they didn’t want a single part in any of this.
"We all know where this place is. Fighting down here won’t reach the surface above so you can go wild. Do whatever the fuck you want. The medics won’t come here on time to save your ass, so are you ready to respect properly or get fucked up by one of our own?”
“You dare talk to me like that as if you own me? You’re a coward like so many fuckers here!” he yelled and drummed his chest. “Alrighty then. Y’all think we wouldn’t be able to rule this pack? Let’s prove it. Three fuckers step forward. In fact, cloak yourselves with whatever you wish. A napkin, your clothes, a jacket, a cloak. Feel free to go against us. You lose, none of you can say shit.”
“And if you lose?” Baku brought up with a brow raise.
“I won’t fucking lose.” He laughed like it was the funniest shit ever. “You’d have to beat me to unconsciousness before I bow down to anyone. C’mon. Who wants to fight against me?”
A few looked around, exchanging wary looks while some whispered to one another.
"Y’all love to talk shit but now you’re all afraid of going against me, huh?” Lorsan mocked. “C’mon! Three fuckers. One to face me, one to face that douche over there, and bring on someone to face our wannabe Alpha over there.”
“Fuck you,” Felicia snarled as she stomped over to him. “I could take you out, you know!”
“Oh honey, save that energy for your competition,” he encouraged and tried to talk sweetly as he leaned right into her face. “Once you’re done proving you deserve to be Alpha of our pack, I’ll enjoy the honors of challenging you myself.”
Her fury was written all over her face as it grew redder by the second, but their intense glare-off was interrupted by a sole voice.
“I’ll challenge you.”
My eyes grew wide as I knew without a doubt who that voice belonged to, even with them purposely deepening their husky depth.
Like a parting sea, shifters moved away to make a direct path for the man in question, who wore all black with his hands in the front pockets of his hoodie.
His disguise was gone, and I was certain a few people already recognized him as the whispers began.
Wait. Isn’t that Jayce?
Bruh. He’s one of the Forbidden Pack members.
Shit. Does that mean Willow knows what’s going on?
Maybe, but fuck. Didn’t he used to be a fighter?
I heard he killed his mate with his bare fucking hands.
Shit. He’s that ruthless?
Lorsan’s fucked if he’s going against him.
I heard he’s a softy now. Can’t even last in the ring.
Where did you hear that from?