Page 240 of Wolf Domination
Whatever challenge such circumstances were supposed to test me on only left me feeling utterly bitter towards whoever thought it was an excellent traumatic experience for me to undergo.
I was sure if you compared it to the others, it was far better than my friends who lost family members —only to find out they’re alive and well —and yet those emotions welled up and overflowed as I continued my crazed assault of punches and blows.
The next round came far too fast, and this time I incorporated rounds of kicks to the blows. I managed to move around in the circled space I created for us, which brought me more joy at the sight of Lorsan’s jerking movement as he was pushed, shoved, and tossed in various angles thanks to my brutal combos.
I wondered if he was even conscious by this point but I truly didn’t give a shit about that.
All I cared about was proving that he was absolutely nothing in comparison to us.
An ant in comparison to us, The Forbidden.
I was the underdog in comparison to some of our top pack mates, which only made this event more vital in proving we weren’t a force to be messing with. If someone like me who simply focused on selling ‘cars’ could deliver blows like this, I was sure those who were observing would assume my fellow pack members above me were even more lethally powerful than me.
“Ten seconds!”
I didn’t expect to hear Memphis with how zoned out I’d become, but that was the least of my worries as my gut suddenly flipped just as my wolf’s voice bombed through my head.
“FREEZE, JAYCE!” he screamed so loudly in my head that it fucking hurt. It was such bad timing as I was about to start the final set of punches, but it only took a mere blink to realize what the fuck was happening.
What was currently contributing to the ringing headache pounding through my head in sheer warning.
The world was still running in slow motion in my eyes, which was exactly why I caught onto what Lorsan had done when I’d least expected it.
A single string that would have been as thin as a thread of a spider’s web somehow managed to not only be attached to the sweater I’d been previously wearing but sturdy enough to tug Willow right into the ring.
Right between us.
From her extremely wide eyes that were beginning to shift from their turquoise jewels to those iridescent spheres, she was just registering what had happened in a blink of an eye — and her gaze began to turn my way just as my fist was ready to plow right into my ‘designated’ opponent.
I sensed the shift in the air that pulsed out of Willow, and I had a strong feeling she was attempting to stop time entirely, but I knew within my fucking soul that it wouldn’t happen fast enough.
Which was why I had to be the faster one.
With a single blink, the world of slow motion went back to reality speed, and the room was completely silent as Willow managed to stop herself from completely falling forward from the tugging pull of the string.
It was the tap of her foot that made me realize what I’d accomplished as her eyes stared at my flaming skeletal fist that was mere centimeters from her face.
She’d been holding her breath, just like I was, the two of us completely still just like the rest of the world that was completely shocked by what I’d managed to achieve in what felt like a nanosecond.
“Time!” Alpha Memphis announced, but no one could respond as we were all clearly mentally accepting what had just occurred.
“You were able to stop.” Willow sounded winded as her shock washed over her face.
From the drop of magic in the air, it was clear she pulled back on the idea of stopping time now that she’d avoided danger entirely.
Then she spun around and kicked Lorsan’s balls.
The blow left the man silently screaming as it seemed to do the final trick in sending him crashing down. Blood easily pooled beneath him, while his clothes barely held on to his body due to all the burned holes.
I’d done a number on him, but it really was Willow’s sudden kick that sealed the deal with knocking him out.
“I’m tempted to kill your ass for pulling off such foul play,” Willow snarled but smiled menacingly before adding, "Not like I couldn’t kill you and get one of my mates to revive your ass so I can do it all over again until I’m satisfied.”
I was sure the man would have been a pale mess if he wasn’t literally knocked out.
I moved without thinking until Willow was actually in my arms and they wrapped around her waist and pulled her against my chest. She was still gripping my sweater like it was some sort of lifeline while I sensed her shock for a few seconds before she seemed to relax in my grasp.
It took a hot minute for me to accept how fast my heart was beating matched with my rapid breathing pattern. I was finally grasping what had just happened and what I’d avoided repeating after so many years.