Page 25 of Wolf Domination
“You’re of royalty?” I decided to try to stall because I couldn’t decipher what this challenge was. He’d clearly invited me here to be tested, but what was the test?
No. It’s not about what test this is, but where this apparent challenge is leading me into.
“I am,” Arthur admitted with glee as he lifted my hand that was still in his hold and firmly planted a kiss against my flesh.
The entire structure shook violently, causing dust to begin to rain down from above while those praying for mercy seemed to grow louder in hopes that would slow down this approaching doom.
“You can say I’m the Prince of Hell,” he purred as those blue eyes looked up to meet mine. I analyzed him carefully. “I’ve heard rumors that you’re related to the Phoenix royal family. If they’re but a fable, I wouldn’t be surprised since you don’t quite fit their usual outlook, but then again, you certainly carry the dominance of a queen.”
“As much as your compliments tickle my pride, Arthur, I believe we should get to the point as to why I was invited here.” I tugged my hand out of his and corrected my posture. Narrowing my eyes back at him, I couldn’t help but add, “And belittle Blacky again and I’ll stomp right out of this tainted place of desperation.”
My defense surprised Arthur while Blacky let go of my shoulders as if to give me some space. I wondered what expression he carried on his face, but the thought was dismissed quickly because my attention was solely on Arthur, who rose and began to laugh.
“Has anyone told you how feisty you can be, Sweet Domino?” he complimented with that same nickname that I felt would become something permanent—great—but his laugh cut short as his whole demeanor seemed to shift with a hint of unease.
It made my senses immediately heighten, which was why I suddenly widened my stance as if ready to go right into action. The shadows around us suddenly thickened, but it wasn’t to blind us from our threats.
The complete opposite.
“You’ve summoned reinforcements, you cowardly puppet,”Blacky snarled, and I felt his back press against mine as if to make sure no one attacked me from behind. Having him present to protect me seemed odd and yet further concerned me because it meant Saint couldn’t be here to take his place.
Where’s my Saint?
“It’s a shame to say it, but I don’t see the need for reinforcements when we’re playing games, demon servant,” Arthur complained and not only sounded disappointed but insulted. “I guess the Vile Queen fears I’ll be stolen as well.”
“The real question is,” I began as I lowered my gaze to see the tiny strands of hair along my arms rise in warning, “do you wish to be stolen?”
I stared right into his eyes, and for a mere second, I caught onto the emotion I felt wouldn’t ever flicker within the spheres of this confident shifter.
“There’s my answer.” The words barely left my lips before purple flames ignited from my fingers and danced around my fist until it was swarmed with vicious fire.
With no time to think, I spun to my left just as Arthur seemed to shift his stance to his left and raise his leg up in time for an attack. My fist went outward and collided with a screeching being in black that honestly reminded me of a rotten zombie from a movie.
My punch hit dead on and ignited a burst of flames that consumed the woman, who screamed in agony before her body was nothing but ash. There was no time for analysis because more zombies came crashing into me, and all I could do was fight them back like I’d now entered a caged space and my very title was threatened of being taken away from me.
Punch. Kick. Uppercut.
I moved with determination even in these uncomfortable heels that I was tempted to fucking throw at the undead that felt never-ending. The longer we went at it, the harder it was getting to keep up, which left me to wonder how the fuck these creatures arrived here unnoticed.
Whatever side Arthur was on, it was clear he wasn’t on theirs or he wouldn’t be fighting them at full strength. I lost sight of Blacky as well, as his presence seemingly blended in with the shadows that continued to try to conceal us.
The aid was appreciated but now I worried it was hiding just how dire this situation was getting.
How many more of these undead zombies remain in this vast cathedral?
The previous sound of prayer was simply overridden by screams and grunts, which only left the pipe organ to continue to play its various tunes as if automated to drown out what was truly happening here.
It wasn’t until I was almost tackled by five zombies at once that I began to worry about whether I needed to shift into Bria or simply burn this whole place down.
“Jeez. I hate being a hero,” Arthur complained. And then he was suddenly behind me. “Sorry, Sweet Domino, but I actually need your Dark Lord of a boyfriend to defeat these useless fiends.”
“Saint is my mat—” My words were cut off as my head was forced to the side just so my lips could be smothered against Arthur’s.
The way my eyes widened and took in his playful ones only encouraged him to smile against my lips before he muttered, “Hope you don’t hate heights.”
“Wha-AH!” The single word morphed into a scream as my body went flying upward until I was mere inches from the very ceiling of stained glass. My gasp followed when it felt like I was about to drop, but strings of red wrapped around my wrists and ankles, which left me hanging there like a rag doll.