Page 276 of Wolf Domination
This was truly the moment she’d been waiting for. To be acknowledged by us —even if it wasn’t real and by force —while having reign over all shifters. This was simply the beginning of her ruling. She’d ensure she took over NYC, then other powerful states, until America was under her domain.
Then she’d expand until the very world as we knew it was under her rulership.
Lucy’s eyes met mine, and her cunning smile made my heart stop.
“Sometimes the simplest things have the greatest effect,” she declared with pride as her eyes suddenly shifted a vivid orange with hints of red.
The shade of burning spheres.
No fucking way.
She placed the crown upon the Vile Queen’s head and for a moment we were forced to watch as it twinkled with merriment like a magic artifact that had finally found the right owner.
Then it began to grow legs…
The tiny legs reminded me of a tarantula, their dark, inky presence only expanding without the Queen realizing it. None of us could even say anything while our surprised expression surely didn’t hint to her what was occurring in her head.
“I can feel the immense power of this crown,” she gleefully stated, just as Lucy walked further to the right of her throne and bowed her head.
“It looks absolutely stunning, my Queen. I managed to acquire it from the deepest depths of a castle in Faerie. It's rather possessive in nature, and only sits upon the head of one most deserving of its diabolic power,” Lucy revealed. “I’m sure by the time it's deemed missing, it’ll already have claimed hold of its prey.”
She giggled and reached up to run her hands along the bottom half of the gemstone crown, and the spider legs only extended upward to the sky as they grew thicker and hairier. The tips were as sharp as daggers, and I could only wonder if they were venomous.
“Hold of its prey?” she questioned but laughed as if she’d misheard. “Prey as in all these peasants who are going to be bowing to my ruling,” she corrected as she looked to her left, only for her to catch onto something that was enough to steal her attention entirely.
I may not have been able to move like everyone else, but I had a bird’s eye view down below which gave me the privilege of seeing what I hadn’t caught onto until this very moment.
Just behind Aurelia’s men was a single woman with dirty blonde hair. She was on her knees like everyone else, but there was two distinct difference that made her stand out from the rest at the mercy of the Vile Queen.
Her mouth was covered by a thick ribbon of black silk while her wrists were tied back by a live anaconda that slithered happily while still keeping its body tightly wrapped around his prey.
I knew that snake…just as I knew exactly who knelt there as a true prisoner.
“Lucy?” The Vile Queen’s voice barely escaped her throat as realization dawned on her.
That the woman serving her was actually tied up like a captured prisoner.
Before she could fully rise from the throne she’d created, the black vines swiftly extended and wrapped around her, forcing her to sit back down— seconds before those hairy spider legs came darting down.
She gasped in pain as those sharp pincher ends pierced into her throat and further embedded themselves into her flesh. She screamed and tried to pull at the legs that should have been fragile in nature, but they were quite the opposite as they were so firm and thick that they withstood the Vile Queen’s attempts to remove their hold.
The legs began to sink further into her flesh, leaving her screaming in agony as the crown started being tugged downward even though it was becoming more and more obvious that it wouldn’t fit the Vile Queen’s head.
Unless by force.
That was exactly what happened as her screams and cries only escalated as the crown continued to be tugged down her head, digging and scraping her flesh as it was forced to extend without it breaking apart.
By the time the crown fell along her neck, her face had deep scratches from the backing of rhinestones used to decorate the crown itself. The legs were now so deeply rooted in her neck that I couldn’t even figure out a way they would retract without leaving some major damage, but maybe that was the point as the crown began to tighten itself around her neck until it was like a decorative choker.
Only the rhinestones themselves began to fall forward, as though the glue holding them in place had lost its effectiveness in this moment. She fought to remove it, but it was a lost cause as the once decorated piece of royal jewelry was now a metallic collar necklace around her neck.
Incantations of sickly green and purple blazed against the metallic silver surface, making the Vile Queen scream as her aura began to diminish. She fought to tug the collar off, her aura declining more and more as the magic holding us began to seep away.
Within a minute, I could move again and I could feel the relief of the pack as our pack connection rekindled strongly. I rose up, which encouraged many to do the same, and Dimitris was back at my side as we stared down at the madness happening below.
No one said a single word, even as the Vile Queen was left breathless as the collar finally stopped glowing. It made an odd clicking noise as if it was sealing something in place, leaving the woman to lift her trembling hands that were already cloaked in blood from trying to claw at her flesh.
Those glaring orbs of green darted to the fake Lucy with so much anger, I thought she’d attempt to kill her. Maybe she tried but was rewarded with zero reaction, which left her flabbergasted as she moved her hands like they were on fire.