Page 278 of Wolf Domination
“You’d think by now y’all would remember I’m the devil’s son. Shapeshifting into anything I wish is kind of a mandatory requirement,” she explained before her body began to morph.
With a few blinks, there was Arthur now standing next to the black throne of vines, which had everyone glancing at the “Fake Arthur.”
“Then who the fuck is that?” Saint questioned, which had Arthur laughing at his mate.
“You can reveal yourself now,” Arthur encouraged his fake copy, and a spinning vortex of purple revealed Alpha Memphis.
“Well, that was a pain in the ass. Such a tiny body can’t possibly fit my wings, Arthur,” he snarled and outstretched wings that clearly screamed incubus. “You better hold up your bargain.”
“Yes, yes,” Arthur hummed. “You can take Sweet Domino on a date.”
“Wait a minute,” I gasped. “Arthur! Stop setting me up with everyone!”
“I don’t set you up with everyone.” He gasped at my accusation as he put a hand on his chest. “I just hook you up with people deemed worthy of joining our growing harem!”
“It shouldn’t be growing,” Jayce pointed out.
“I think he doesn’t care,” Neo calmly noted.
“What if he’s trying to get an even number?” Milo offered.
“So what? We can have threesomes in a set of four?” Viktor huffed.
“That’s actually rather smart,” Loki acknowledged.
“I don’t approve of that shit,” Onyx complained.
“You’re the last person we’d ask about that,” Malachite noted.
“You’re not even in the fucking harem!” Loki and Onyx said in unison.
“Not important,” Malachite shrugged.
“SILENCE!” the Vile Queen demanded furiously. “This is impossible! I’m destined to rule! My wolves! Attack them! Wipe them all out!”
Those very wolf shifters simply remained in place, leaving her shocked and confused as she looked around. “Why aren’t you moving?!”
“That’s probably Loki’s doing,” Arthur announced, and the woman looked at him threateningly.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused,” he teased before he laughed at his own comment. “It’s hilarious to see you so frustrated. Did you think because Loki was saved by Sweet Domino that he wouldn’t keep up with his alliances in your pack of tortured souls?”
That surprised her as Loki began to walk forward until he stood next to Arthur.
“My last straw was when you took some of my best men…my friends and burnt them before my eyes. I knew from then onward that if I ever got a chance at freedom, I’d find a way to save each and every one of them. Collaborating with a Warlock who can stop time, an incubus who’s really good at controlling people, and a gambler who enjoys winning bets led me to your hideout when you were pleasuring yourself with a few new shifters and gave us the chance to race through all the torture centers to make a deal with everyone there. I’m sure you can guess which side they choose when I offered them the chance at freedom.”
He got Viktor, Alpha Memphis, and Arthur to help him.
“No. They obey me!” she shrieked.
“For show,” Loki pointed out. “The whole fighting on the mountain to get up here? That was all a façade really. We knew the center focus would be on Willow so we encouraged her to go darting up here while we pretended to have a good killing spree. All wounds were healable which is why they’re good as new and currently guarding the mountain as the Council of Faerie, a few members of the High Council, and of course, your dearest ex-friend, Queen Elphaba make their way here.”
“I don’t need to stay here! I’m the Vile Queen! I’ll destroy you all. I have powers in Faerie! My kingdom awaits.”
“Have you forgotten that I’ve claimed that already,Mother?”The feminine voice made me realize Amos was now Auraleia, who walked from the shadows until she stood literally next to Aurelia. “It was a bit of a pain to run two kingdoms, but frankly, I was reserving it for my dearest twin sister that you despised.”
I watched the shock in the Vile Queen’s eyes as she glanced between the two of them before glaring at Aura.