Page 28 of Wolf Domination
It was infuriating the more I thought about it, and maybe that was why the room was suddenly far too hot.
“I bet you that not one being in the room is holy. All of you have committed sins that could land you right in the depths of hell if the Lord wished to destroy this entire universe with the snap of his fingers, but you stand before me and try to act oblivious?!” I shouted as my eyes darted all around them, hoping my scrutiny matched with my obvious rage would make them feel utterly pitiful for their actions. “The holy Vatican that takes in orphan children to rape and abuse in the shadows! The Vatican plants blood roses to get sacrificial blood from those drawn by their scent thanks to their negative thoughts! Hundreds if not thousands die because y’all carry too much fucking pride in yourselves to admit you worship the Dark Lord of the Underworld! Your whole fucking philosophy is the biggest scam in human history, and yet you’ll do anything to continue to play to this tune of lies. To top it all off, you dare to outcast MY Saint and overpower him by trying to make an alliance with the Vile Queen in exchange for taking me out?!”
My flesh burned as my incantations glowed with intensity, leaving them to tremble and scramble back while I took the bold steps forward. Father Christopher’s eyes widened as the two individuals at his sides tried to rush forward with golden crosses they pulled from beneath their white cloaks to ward me off.
It was a bit too funny to dismiss, which was exactly why I barked in laughter as I shot my hand out and enjoyed lifting the two men upward without breaking a sweat. They screamed in fear as they fought against my anti-gravity hold, but with a snap of my fingers, the energy reversed itself which left their bodies slamming into the ground until they were nothing but squished organs.
I briefly caught onto the medallion on my chest that glowed intensely with magical power, and the sight of it only further strengthened me with a dangerous level of empowerment. I felt like I could take over the fucking world if they dared pushed me, and maybe that was what I craved.
For them to dare push me one more fucking time so I could rain my wrath on all of them.
By the time I reached Father Christopher’s trembling body, everyone around us was forced to bow down. I couldn’t tell why, for my burning eyes of power were solely on the shaking Father who dared to try to set me up.
“You think the Vile Queen is so frightening,” I purred with a sinister smile while I slowly crouched down. It made me realize my dress had changed entirely; the gown that now cloaked my body was a brilliant pink that shifted to purple and then morphed into a midnight blue.
My hair was out of the crowned braid hairstyle and now levitated enchantingly around me, and my nails mimicked the very black claws Blacky had once gripped me with before I’d arrived at this space of trickery.
I could see the reflection of my prism eyes in the widened surfaces of Father Christopher’s, and what joy it brought me to see the veins of black begin to outstretch from the side of my eyes while my skin began to taint to an onyx complexion.
Reaching out to him made him freeze entirely while my long nail lifted and pricked at his chin while I encouraged him to lift his head just so he’d have no choice but to look straight into my satanic gaze.
“What if I told you I’m her secret weapon?” I whispered as I leaned in close. “Her ultimate secret creation whom she wished to control like a demonic pet that humbly serves its master. Do you know how cherished I was back then? I was brought to a room and strapped to a metal chair like a prisoner in preparation for all the torturous experiments she had planned for my sweet recovery.”
At this point, I couldn’t keep up with what I was revealing, the words simply escaping my lips like I was possessed by a new power that should have remained contained.
A deadly being that wished for the rest of the world to suffer.
“You fear a little witch with family issues?” I laughed loud and clear, the sound triggering the temperature to drop until every glass window was suddenly frozen and snowflakes began to rain down upon us. “Who you should really be fearing is me, Father Christopher.”
If our closeness wasn’t enough, I enjoyed the way his heart skipped and blood began to drip from his nose. The pressure of my overwhelming magic was going to be his ultimate killer, but he had to know who was about to steal his very lifespan away.
“Willow Alundra Phoenix,” I purred. “Future Alpha of the Forbidden Pack. Future heir of the Phoenix Throne. Disciple of the High Council. And I guess future Master in the making.”
If all those titles weren’t enough to emphasize the immense power I carried, it was the way my eyes suddenly bled to black that left the man completely still as he watched strings of his very soul begin to leave his body.
“I am the Ruler of the Endangered Seven, and if you don’t fall in line right this instant, I will show you and the rest of the world how cozy the underworld is.”
Two hands landed upon me—one on each shoulder that gripped me firmly. I felt a bit annoyed by the unannounced touch, especially when I was coursing with so much power. I caught the scent of burning flesh and enjoyed the sight of Christopher’s wide spheres darting from side to side, but I knew I had to pull back for my own sanity.
At least, that’s what this unexpected essence of control is encouraging me to do.
“I’ve decided to change my mind,” I quietly purred and retracted my finger along with the rest of my pulverizing energy. Multiple gasps were followed with drops to the floor, which left me curious as to if my energy had them all in a chokehold in the midst of the air. “It looks like the two men you despise for betraying you to join the proper side of power have decided to carry an ounce of mercy for your pitiful soul.”
Glancing to my left, I noticed Arthur was standing there with a clearly burned hand, but he seemed pleased with my merciless antics. Peering to my right rewarded me with the sight of my Saint—my Dark Lord Saint—who not only looked pleased with me but completely turned on by my display of overpowering dominance.
“However, you can’t die now,” I voiced while my eyes still remained locked with Saint’s. “You need to be our little rat.” I turned my attention back to Father Christopher, making him flinch in fright.
“You can do that, right?” I questioned. “Be the eyes and ears of the Vatican?”
“I-I-I—” He tried to speak but he shook so violently that he bit his tongue.
“I’ll just assume that’s a yes,” I concluded and reached out to tap onto the side of his neck with my piercing nail. He didn’t have time to react as he hissed in agony when a purple collar formed around his flesh.
“There we go. Isn’t that a nice display of loyalty?”
“Suits him,” Arthur hummed.
I peered back to Saint and purred, “Does my Lord like what his mate has made?”