Page 39 of Wolf Domination
“Arthur! You can’t fucking die! Are you stupid?!”
“My IQ is pretty high, you know,” he tossed back, which was followed with an, “OW!”
“You’re a fucking idiot! Weren’t you listening?! You’re Saint’s mate!”
“So are you?!” Arthur tossed right back. “And you’re connected to what? Eight other men? You can’t fucking die! Clearly, your death will only give the Vile Queen what she needs from whatever experiment shit she did to you when you were a kid!”
“H-How do you even know that?”
“I know a whole lot of crazy shit, De Luca,” he huffed.
“I like Sweet Domino better,” she whined. “And when you’re not being a panicked douche.”
“I’m not fucking panicking!”
“Why do you want to die?!” she screamed.
“My death won’t be noticed by anyone!” Arthur screamed right back. “I’m exactly like she said! A fucking puppet. A useless toy everyone enjoys using until they’re bored and find something new that brings them entertainment! I was sold to the Vile Queen at the age of sixteen. My purpose has been to replace whatever she or anyone else in power needs until they’re satisfied. My role is finished so just shut the fuck up and—”
His words were cut short by a slapping sound.
“D-D-Did you just slap me?” he gasped.
“I sure fucking did, and I’ll do it again if you really think you’re so fucking disposable! You said gambling is your thing and the moment things look like they’re not in our favor, you’re going to be a little fucking bitch?!”
If I had the ability to gawk, I would have cause fuck.
Our Forbidden Queen had snapped.
“I don’t know who you truly are, or know enough about you to make this decision, but my instincts have never failed me and they tell me that you don’t deserve to die!” she screamed. “None of us do, which is why you better have a plan b, c, d, or fucking e cause if any of those plans have you dying, you better go back to the drawing board and figure it out in ten fucking seconds!”
The sound of a click made them stall entirely, and a sense of dread purred through the pit of my stomach.
“Well, plan f has both of you dying and me finally grasping the blood of this hindrance.”
I fought hard to open my eyes now, especially when I knew Willow and Arthur were in danger of being shot by Christopher, but all that did was further spike the destructive energy begging for an outlet.
Which was becoming fucking counterproductive.
"Now he’s a hindrance to you?” Arthur complained. “You benefited your whole life since his birth and now you’re complainin—” The release of a shot was followed by Willow’s loud gasp.
“You shot him?!” she shrieked and yet Arthur actually laughed.
“Fucking hell…if I didn’t experience this on the regular, I’d actually be appalled…fuck.”
“Regular?!” Willow exclaimed and practically growled.“MINE!”There was Willa in control, but the next shot fired only made Arthur grunt again.
“Fuck! Arthur!” Willow clearly came back in control while Arthur groaned.
“Fuck me. Why can’t I be a sinister fucker on the regular?” he groaned. “Sweet Domino…you so fucking owe me. Getting shot in the heart...isn’t fun…ow…”
“S-Shit! Arthur? Arthur!”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. I need to get up. I need to do something! I need help.Guys! Help! Willow needs help!
"One down, one more to go,” Christopher boldly declared. “Any last words, princess?”
"Hope to see you in hell,” Willow snarled. “And fuck yo—”