Page 86 of Wolf Domination
The new pack member was literally standing there with bandages all over his arms and legs while he continued nibbling on a cracker—the box of them tucked under his left armpit.
Ruby rolled her eyes and gestured to him.
“I should have known the sleeping men in black outside your house was an odd fuckery to waltz into, but being attacked by this crazed fool was unexpected,” Ruby noted. “What happened to regular security? I mean, he ain’t bad at all, but I thought I was going to die.”
“Sleeping men in black?” I asked before adding, “Arthur, you can’t go killing my sister.”
“Hmm?” He paused in biting another cracker to look between us. “Sweet Domino, you two don’t look alike at all,” he whined. “Maybe I should wear my glasses.”
“You wear glasses?” I asked before shaking my head to get to the point. “How are you already awake? I swear Milo dosed you up so you’d recover properly.”
“Oh.” Arthur blinked a few times as he stood there calmly. “I’m pretty immune to a lot of shit. If you want to knock me out for a week, you probably gotta use quadruple the regular dose. You can ask Loki. He has the same resistance if not higher. The Vile Queen made our tolerance astronomically high.” He paused again. “And I was hungry. I can’t sleep for long when I’m hungry.”
“Why are you suddenly so sane?” Milo asked the prime question to Arthur. “Like…you seem…”
“Bland? Less psychotic? Far too calm for comfort?” Arthur summed up and shrugged. “This is how I normally am when I’m not negatively stimulated. I go all crazy when I’m frightened, nervous, or angry. Basically, any emotional imbalance aside from being happy and calm.”
“What about being sad?” Ruby asked, looking far too intrigued.
Arthur shrugged.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” Ruby and I said in unison as we stared at him with horrid expressions.
“How do you not know when you’re sad, Arthur?” Dimitris was actually the one to ask the question, to which Arthur shrugged again.
“I don’t remember the last time I was sad. Angry? Sure. Frightened, of course. Nervous…ya. Sad? I don’t know…”
My heart clenched at his expression, like a lost puppy who’d been told it would never see its owner again. I glanced at the others, and their expressions were just as concerned as mine.
“That Vile Bitch really fucked you up,” Ruby muttered with a deep frown. “Are you magically bound to not reveal who she is like Loki?”
“Sort of,” he admitted. “I say that because the Vile Queen shields her face with shadows. You can see her hair, and sometimes her eyes when she uses magic, but her face has always been hidden in some shape or form. The only time you see hints of it is, well…when she uses fire…and well…” He didn’t seem like he wanted to continue but he quickly shrugged again and stepped side to side on his feet.
“He’s becoming nervous,”Bria acknowledged. That prompted me to say, “You don’t need to continue, Arthur. It’s alright.”
He peered over to me, looking a bit relieved as the tension beginning to build in his muscles suddenly calmed.
“What I can say is that she wanted to postpone or get the runway canceled. That’s one of the last conversations I heard before my departure to kidnap Willow.”
“Is she also the one who sent those men outside?” Jayce quickly inquired.
“Hmm?” Arthur blinked a few times. “Those aren’t Vile Queen minions. Russian, yes. Under orders of the Vile Queen? No.” He shook his head for added emphasis. “Why are they sleeping, anyway?”
I didn’t know why, but I immediately looked to Milo, who calmly looked back at us.
“What?” he asked.
“I have a strong feeling you have something to do with that,” I voiced. Dimitris added, “What did you do, Milo?”
“Well, I sensed they wanted to shoot up the place while we were fucking, and fae hate being interrupted, especially when they’re the one participating in the act versus watching it, so I made sleepy willows bloom throughout the field to put them to sleep.” He didn’t have a hint of shame on his face. “I’m going to choose pleasure over going on a killing spree.”
“Sleepy willows,” I commented. “I have a flower?”
Milo smirked delightfully. “I made them just for you.”
“Romantic,” Arthur responded and bit into a cracker. “I’m still hungry.”