Page 88 of Wolf Domination
“Do you guys not know how to feed your woman?!”
Now, this wasn’t what I’d ever predicted as sister quality time: Ruby holding a pointer like she was as ready to whip someone’s ass as punishment while three of my boyfriends were kneeling on the floor in apology.
“Ruby is scary,”Bria announced as her wise eyes looked on with great intrigue.
Very scary. Makes me wonder what Mother is like when she’s mad.
"Is it that bad?” Only Arthur was spared from Ruby’s wrath as he stood only a few steps from me while nibbling on another box of crackers.
Clearly, Arthur has some obsession.
“That bad?” Ruby spun around and had that pointer in Arthur’s face far too fast. “How does my sister lose fucking five inches off her waist since I measured her five fucking days ago?! What was she on? A crash fucking diet to disaster?!”
“We had a lot going on, Ruby,” I tried to interfere. “It’s not the guys' responsibility to ensure I eat.”
“Yes. It. Is!” Ruby exclaimed and hit my head with her pointer.
“If they can fuck you to appease their horny cocks, they can ensure you eat! Regularly, may I add! I knew from the photos before Christmas Eve that were all over social media that you were a tad skinner, but I assumed it was shapewear or something!” She was genuinely mad. “I need to get Whitney on updating your outfits for the show. Ugh. She’s going to be pissed.”
She was already on the phone and pacing. “Hey, Whitney. I need to update Willow’s outfits for tonight. I’ll send you everything in a second. Yes, both Willow and William’s attire.”
“You didn’t measure William,” I noted, but Ruby ignored me.
“Yes, yes. The other measurements should be fine. Eight suits. You already have the colors set.”
“What about me?” Arthur genuinely asked as he blinked his eyes, which I realized were golden orange. “Do I get to come?”
Ruby paused in her pacing to look at him. She did a long up-and-down look before she returned her analyzing eyes my way.
“When did he join your pack?”
“Uh…yesterday?” I offered hesitantly because I had no clue if that was gonna get me another whip of her pointer or some other punishment for adding more work to her overwhelming schedule.
She pouted her lips before she sighed. “I need one more suit,” Ruby concluded and took another look at Arthur. “Orange with hints of red and gold will do.” She paused to ask, “What’s your natural hair color, Arthur?”
“Red,” he announced, and his hair that was currently blonde immediately shifted to the bright shade.
“Hmm.” She stared at him for a hard minute. “Scratch orange. Make it a sunset red with hues of gold. Emphasize the reflective effect. I don’t want his suit to look similar to Neo’s vivid red suit. Also, make sure Neo’s blindfold matches his suit’s shade to a T. All other accessories should be good, except…”
She walked right up to Arthur and leaned in enough to make him frown and lean away as if her closeness freaked him out.
“You can’t see shit, can you?” Ruby questioned with an arched eyebrow. “That’s why it took you so long to find the crackers in the dark downstairs before attempting to attack me.”
“Your observant nature matched with your quick analysis makes me want to electrocute you,” Arthur honestly declared as he blinked a few times and looked my way. “Can I zap her?”
“No,” I groaned. “Ruby, you’re making Arthur anxious by being in his personal space.”
“How does my closeness trigger you?” she dared to ask. I was going to interfere because I didn’t believe it was a question she should ask Arthur, who was spending his first day free of the Vile Queen’s ownership after who knew how many years.
“It’s not your closeness that bothers me,” Arthur muttered, and he moved until he now stood behind me. His aura had already begun to calm but then he was grinning like a lunatic as he rested his chin on my shoulder. “Your body heat is a trigger.”
“Eh?” Ruby stood there with a tilted head as she stared our way. “My body heat? Does it give off a smell or something?” She sniffed herself and looked at my three men, who were still kneeling. “Do I smell?”
“No,” the three of them stated, looking utterly miserable.