Page 54 of Whit
“Or what?” I ask.
“Touching me,” he adds, those fingers tapping on the steering wheel.
I scoff and then lean my head back against the headrest.
“Just trying to give you a break,” I tell him, and he clasps onto the steering wheel tightly with both hands, those fingers of his flexing.
“Who said I wanted a break?” Whit finally says, and I peer over at him.
“Just never sure how you feel. You’re not exactly easy to read, and you never open up.”
He loosens one hand and lays his arm across the center console. His palm is up, inviting me to link my fingers with his. God, my heart aches with the small gesture, knowing it’s his way of conveying what he wants without saying it.
“Want me to hold your hand, Whit?”
He scoffs and starts to move it away, but I grab it before he can escape and wrap his palm in mine.
He glances down at it and then sucks his bottom lip into his mouth. Like, he’s not sure what the hell he’s doing. Yeah, buddy, me too. I was straight a few months ago.
“So, Whit,” I say, rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand, “since you’re trying to be more open with me, tell me something about you that I don’t know.”
He glances over at me, and I smile at him. “And really, that could be anything because I know next to nothing about you.”
“What would you like to know, Caleb?”
I shift in my seat because when he says my name like that, all serious and unsmiling. I want him todothings to me.
“Alright, how old are you?”
He blinks at me. “22, you?”
“Middle name?”
“Really, you sound so distinguished. Mine’s Carter.”
“Caleb Carter,” Whit says, and I’m at full mast right now. I'll come within seconds if he says that while he’s pumping me in his fist. I’m sure of it. Good thing that’s already happened. No reason to be embarrassed about how easy I am.
“Could you refrain from saying my name until we get home,” I groan, and Whit side-eyes me.
“I’ll try.”
I clear my throat, pressing the palm of my hand against my erection, needing some relief.
“Okay,” I begin. “Um, tell me where you grew up.”
“Romania for the first five years and then moved to New York. You?”
“Grew up right here my whole life.”
“Have you ever traveled?” Whit asks.
“Nah, but I’d like to visit all 50 states one day, you know? Maybe travel overseas.”
Whit nods.