Page 80 of Whit
His arm cradles me to him, and I rest my hand on his chest. The thumping of his heart brings me a certain peace, and I relax a fraction more.
“How did you get in here?”
“You’re my fiancé now,” I tell him, and he grips the nape of my neck.
“That so?”
I nod, and he chuckles. “You’ll have me married to you without me knowing it. Is that your plan, huh?”
“Would that be so bad?” I ask, and he presses a kiss to the top of my head.
“Nah. I could manage with you, I guess.” He yawns and then says, “I’m so sleepy. Stay with me, yeah? Don’t go back to your ex. I’m the better choice.”
“I won’t,” I say, my heart clenching in my chest, and then feel him doze off.
I lie next to him, listening to his heartbeat against my ear, feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath.
“Sweet pea?” Del says, touching me gently, and I startle from my trance.
I didn’t even hear her walk up to me.
“How did you get in here?” she asks, her eyes full of sleep.
“He’s my fiancé,” I say, and she blinks once, twice, and then her lips turn up into a smile.
“Well, that sure was quick, but I don’t blame you. He’s quite a catch.”
I glance down at Caleb sleeping and can’t help but agree. He will kill me when the pain meds wear off and finds himself saddled with me.
It seems Aunt Del didn’t quite catch the sarcasm in my voice when I told her we were engaged.
“Come on, let's grab something to eat. You must be starved.”
My stomach grumbles at the mention of food. How did she know?
I clutch at his hospital gown and whisper, “I shouldn’t leave him.”
“He’ll be out of it for a bit. He’s always loopy and sleepy when he’s on pain meds.”
“Don’t tell me this has happened before.”
Aunt Del rolls her eyes. “I have a to-go bag in my car for occasions such as this.” She gestures to her blanket, pillow, and tablet by her chair. “With reckless boys like this, you have to.”
I nod and then reluctantly slip out of bed and follow her down to the cafeteria. My body is abuzz with nerves, mainly from being in a hospital again but also because I left him when he asked me to stay.
I grab a sandwich and water, and then when she asks if I’d like to sit, I shake my head. “Need to get back to him.”
Aunt Del nods her understanding, her eyes soft as she watches me.
“You’re good for him, you know.”
I swallow thickly and then glance down at her. “He’s good for me.”
She smiles. “I always hoped he’d find someone who’d love him, never thought it would be another man, but,” she waves her hand in the air, “that doesn’t matter, does it? He’s happier with you than he’s ever been with anyone else. The way he speaks about you.”
I take a bite of my sandwich and swallow it as quickly as possible. My mouth is dry, and when I swallow, it sits in my stomach like lead.
“Will he be released soon?” I ask, trying to change the subject because I don’t want to start blubbering.