Page 12 of Emery
I’d bitten back a response because he’d gone out of his way to pick me up from some place, and I’d forgotten he was coming, too caught up in whatever I was doing. And that hadn’t been the first time. No, he’d finally blurted out all of that the fourth time I’d left him hanging. And what’s killer is that I wasn’t doing anything particularly important. I can’t even remember what I was doing. But he’d waited around for me like I knew he would.
I can’t even blame him for disliking me. I am kind of an asshole, even if I don’t mean to be.
But then he kissed me. Twice.
And he’s being nice, offering to let me drive his car.
So now I’m super confused.
“You’d let me drive your car?” I ask, my eyebrows nearly touching my hairline.
His eyebrows rise. “Should I not?”
“Um, yousoshould, but you’ve never let me before. I just assumed that you didn’t trust me.”
August shrugs. “I don’t trust you because I don’t know you all that well, but this is a long drive, and I think we should split it up. Maybe at the next rest stop, we can switch.”
“Fair enough. I can do that.”
August is silent a moment, and then he says, “To be transparent, I know you wrecked your last car. Your dad told me. So, when you do drive, could you at least try to not kill us. I’d like to make it up to the mountains alive.”
I salute him and then fidget some more in my seat because damn, I hate that he thinks I’m irresponsible. I mean, I am, but not like that. I don’t just go around wrecking cars for fun. It was an accident. But then again, I’ve always asked Thomas to keep my secretssecret.And thus far, he has. So, August has no real way of knowing me. I don’t let people in.
Although if I did let someone in, it would be him.
“How did you manage it?” August asks.
“You really want an answer?” I say, gazing at that mouth of his again because it’s moving, and my eyes are drawn to it.
“You seriously can’t just have a normal conversation? Like I ask a question, and you answer it?”
When I just shrug, he rolls his eyes.
“No worries. I have other ways.”
“What other ways?”
“I’ll just ask Thomas what happened. He was very obtuse about it when I mentioned it, but he owes me.”
“Do not call in any favors. Thomas doesn’t know the whole story.”
“Fine. Then you tell me.”
“Fine.Fine. I’ll give you this freebie, but next time I want you to earn it.”
“You’re insane,” he mutters.
“You’d be too if you had my past. We can’t all be perfect. And boring.”
“I’m not boring,” he mutters and runs a hand along the back of his neck.
Yeah, he’s not because that kiss was the opposite of boring. I have a feeling I’ve gravely misjudged him. He’s not Mr. Rogers. No, he’s something much, much worse.
When he finally pulls off at a rest stop a while later, I’m in an anxious state. I debate trying to get off again or maybe running another a lap or two. But I’m not sure if I can run with this flagpole between my legs. It hurts and may cause some chaffing.
I pop a Gobstopper in my mouth when August looks at me.
“How is that much candy okay with your diabetes?”