Page 22 of Emery
He goes nearly limp as I draw him close, and then his fingers crawl across my back, and he clings to me.
“Are you okay?” Emery asks me, and my heart breaks because I should be asking him if he’s okay. How did I not know that he was severely abused? Why didn’t anyone tell me? Maybe if I’d known, I would have been nicer to him. Would have understood why he can be so…different at times.
“I’m fine,” I say, even though I’m not. Not really. Shit, the things this guy has been through. How can he talk about it so casually, like it’s no big deal, when in reality, it’s devastating? I can’t even imagine being a fully functional human after going through what he has. He’s so much stronger than I ever realized.
“Should we, you know, head back. I heard a hoot….” Emery says, his voice muffled against my neck.
Slowly, I pull away and stare at him. “Yeah, let’s go see what’s the other way. Then we’ll get out of the cold.”
We trudge around, and I find a bank that will be useful for a snow cave if we really need it, and then we’re back in the SUV, pulling our wet pants off and tugging on some sweats.
Emery is shivering, so I turn on the heat in the SUV and pull him into me, unzipping the sleeping bag and pulling it over us. Emery is between my legs, his chest to mine, with my arms wrapped around him. He pulls them tightly against him, and tucks himself under my chin.
He turns slightly, and his cold nose hits the side of my neck.
“Do you think making out will help kill time and warm us up quicker?” he asks. “Because I’m game to try that out.”
“Maybe we should save the making out for later, yeah? When the gas runs out.”
He huffs a small laugh and wiggles between my legs because this guy can’t stay still to save his life.
“Were you just as restless as a child?” I ask when he continues to move.
“Yes. I was a terrible student. Teachers despised me.”
“I doubt that,” I say, conjuring up a small Emery with messy hair and those big brown eyes.
“Oh god, yes, they did. They all said ten Hail Mary’s when they found out I was in their class. Probably wondered in what life they committed some atrocious act to be saddled with me for an entire year.”
“Em, stop it,” I say with a chuckle. “Teachers don’t think like that. Yeah, we have harder students, but we like them all the same.”
Emery snorts. “You’re such a fucking liar. You do not like all children equally. Some are just pure rubbish. Admit it.”
“Children are not rubbish,” I say with a frown, but whatever I was going to say next dissipates when I feel the tip of his tongue against my neck.
“Are you…did you just lick me?” I ask. The feel of it, no, just the thought of him doing that to me, makes my dick take notice.
Emery is oblivious to my internal struggle and does it again, tracing the tip of his tongue up the thick vein in my neck.
“Imagine if I was a vampire? I could just bite into this sexy vein and feed off of you,” he says, biting down gently on my skin. “Bet you’d taste good.”
I laugh at that and mentally pray that he doesn’t notice my dick hardening. “Man, the way your mind works.”
“Crazy, huh? Didn’t bring my ADHD meds either, so I’m really off the rails now. You won’t be able to catch me.”
His fingers slide up and thread through my hair as he bites down on my neck a little rougher. I hiss at the sensation that shoots up behind my eyes and straight down to my cock.
“Fuck, I’d drink your blood if you’d let me.”
And seriously, that would freak me out with anyone else, but Emery is just…Emery. I’m learning that you’ve just gotta roll with it. And maybe even try to enjoy it along the way.
His lips suction to my skin, and he starts to really suck hard. I’m going to have a big hickey there if he keeps this up. And yet I do nothing to stop him. I just lay there and let him do it, secretly relishing in the eroticism of it, in the thought of him marking me, until he removes that mouth from my neck with an audibly wetpop.
He just ate my neck like a lollipop.
“Ooh,” he huffs and then leans a little closer, inspecting it. “Got a nice one there now. I think purple is your color.”
I reach up and touch my neck’s tender skin, and Emery smirks at me. “Looks good on you, pretty boy. Too much unblemished skin. You should totally get a tattoo. Preferably somewhere naughty. I have a fantastic artist at my disposal. Just tell me what you want, and we can get it drawn up for you.”