Page 94 of Emery
“I want you bent over, begging me for it. I want you spread out, taking me so good.”
I reach out and grasp onto him, tilting my head and licking into that sweet mouth of his.
Then I pull away. “I think we should wait,” I manage to say even though my dick weeps at the idea.
“Why the fuck would we wait?” he asks, rearing back.
“Because of last night.”
Emery takes a step back from me and glowers. “If you wait for me to get my life together, August, we’ll both be waiting for eons. There is no fixing this. You take me as is, or not at all.”
I take in his face––his pouty lips, red from his candy, his hot as fuck tattoos, and his damn twinkling brown eyes––and I make my fucking decision.
And then I’m turning to walk down the hallway. Emery scampers after me, literally stepping on my heels as I enter my bedroom.
“Fine? What does that mean? Do I have to wait eons? Because cryogenics is a thing now…so maybe….”
I grab onto the lube and a condom and toss them onto the bed.
Emery’s words stutter and come to a complete stop.
“Oh, thank Satan. I was ready to freeze myself to get a chance at that ass.”
I snort a nervous laugh and then he moves into my space.
“No laughing. This is serious. There is so much I want to do. I don’t know where to start. I want to see your dick again,” he mutters and pushes me backwards. I fall with anoomphand Emery follows me, straddling my hips.
“God, or maybe I want to lick all over that chest first, maybe suck on your nipples for a bit.”
He pushes my shirt up halfway and then gets sidetracked with my pants, pulling them down so just the tip of my dick is exposed. Then he peels his shirt off, tossing it onto the floor before running his hands up my torso.
“Ahh, I can’t focus. Quick, take your clothes off. This is going to take me ages to complete. I’m terrible at multi-tasking.”
“No, Em. I’d rather you do it,” I reply with a smirk, folding my arms behind my head and arching my hips up slightly.
Emery stares down at my half-undressed state and he groans.
“You’re awful. I have a disability, you know. You need to respect my request for accommodations.”
I smile at his ridiculous comments but then he pulls my dick out and strokes it and my laugh dies in my throat.
“Not laughing now, are you?” he says, and I bite back a moan.
He peels my shirt off and his mouth is on my chest, biting and licking as he moves his hand up and down my straining shaft.
Then suddenly he’s gone and I’m gasping as he rips my pants from my legs and stumbles out of his own. He’s back on top of me and has the lube in his hand.
“Fuck, I am so excited,” he says and uncaps it. “Pull those legs up. Up! No not like that…ugh.”
He tosses the lube down and grabs onto my hands and puts them behind my knees and pushes them into my chest.
“Oh fuck, yeah, like that.”
He sits back slightly and looks at me and my cheeks flush from the way he’s just observing me, but then again, I have nothing to be embarrassed about. He had his tongue up my ass last month and he still wants me.
“Look at you,” he says and then he’s grabbing onto the lube again squirting some onto his fingers, but he squeezes too hard, and it erupts all over me. I hiss at the sensation of the cool gel hitting my skin and Emery scrambles to collect it all.