Page 17 of Luke
“Damn, Doc. Don’t do that when I’m asleep. Gives me all sorts of ideas,” he mutters and pushes himself up straighter. He adjusts his pants, and I note the bulge in his jeans. It’s ridiculously large, a mammoth, and I’ve suddenly envisioned myself as a caveman hunting it down. I’ve lost my mind.
Luke yawns and runs a hand under his shirt, utterly oblivious to my straying eyes. And they are straying. I’m so far off the beaten path. The mist is rolling in and I’m completely lost.
“Fuck, I missed the movie, huh?” he asks.
I swallow and try to focus on his face. “Are you really surprised?”
“Nah,” he says and then nods to the room. “I’m gonna go lie down before I fall asleep standing up. It’s happened before.”
I just watch as he strides down the hallway and disappears into my room.
I don’t move. I sit, frozen, and watch the credits scroll across the screen while debating the merits of just sleeping here on the couch. It would be safer than going in there with him. But I don’t do it. Of course, I don’t. This is my house. I will not give up my bed because this man has inexplicably moved in and taken over my space.
I cautiously walk into my room and see Luke sprawled out on his back on my bed, the sheets dangerously low on his narrow hips. His chest muscles ripple as he leans up and watches me approach.
“Don’t worry. I’m not naked,” he pulls down the sheets a bit and reveals a pair of black boxers with…are those pink squids?
“I mean, I’d like to be, because wearing clothes to bed feels a little like prison, but I didn’t want to scare you off. Now ifyouwant to undress….” His eyes slide down my pajama-clad body, and I resist the urge to button up the top button. I don’t know why because Luke seems to have no qualms about me.
He seems more interested than anything.
But interested in what? What parts I have? Or does he just like…me?
I’m comfortable with who I am. I worked through all of that years ago, but it makes me nervous that I don’t know exactly what he’s getting at.
I barely know the guy, but he seems to have no issue spending the night in my bed with another man.
“Are you gay?” I blurt.
He rolls his lips between his teeth, eyeing me. “Nah, don’t think so. Are you?”
He cocks his head and then pulls the sheets back. “Yeah. No big deal. Come on, Doc. In you go.”
I eyeball the bed like its rabid. “I cannot believe I’m doing this.”
“Believe it, baby,” he says with a smile as I move to the other side of the bed and slide beneath the covers.
Luke scoots over until he’s ridiculously close. It’s a habit with this man. A dangerous one.
“I didn’t take you for a cuddler,” I mutter.
“I am discovering new things about myself each day.”
I arch an eyebrow at him. “Is that so?”
That word hangs in the air between us, and I find myself shifting a little closer to him. Only because it’s cold and he’s so very warm.
“Just for this one night, and then you need to go back home and stay there. You can’t just move in.”
“Whatever you want,” he says, and then that thick arm of his is wrapping around me. He grunts a little, pulling my back into his chest, and then nuzzles his face against my head. His hand splays across my stomach, and I feel something similar to desire move across my abdomen.
But that’s just silly, because there is no way I am interested in this man.
Man-child is a more accurate description.