Page 27 of Luke
“Fine,” he says, caps his portable coffee mug, and gestures to the garage. “Let’s go.”
After stopping at the coffee shop, we make our way to my brother Sem’s place across town. Elliot has soft classical music playing over the speakers in his car, and his fingers tap a rhythm on the steering wheel. Outside it’s cold and grey, and I wonder for a moment if it’s going to rain.
“Do they know we’re coming?” Elliot asks as I moan around a mouthful of whipped cream and white mocha.
“Nah, it’s best to surprise them.”
He eyes me. “It’s eerie how similar you are to my sisters. They show up randomly, as well.”
“You know, I think we were fated, Eli. You and I. God made us just for one another.” I gesture to a side street. “Turn right here where that red car is.”
Elliot follows my instructions, and a minute later, we are pulling up in front of Sem’s motorhome in the RV park he currently resides. My little bro said he’d moved here a while back to be closer to work. Fucker was tryin’ to trick us. We all knew it was so he could be closer to Magnus. He was a little obsessed. Hell, he’s still obsessed.
“They should be home,” I say as I push the door to the Tesla open and hop out. My feet crunch under the gravel as I walk around the car.
“Your brother liveshere?” Elliot asks, glancing around, and I eye him.
“Don’t be a judgmental asshole, Eli. Not everyone lives in fancy houses.”
His cheeks turn pink, and he stutters for the first time since meeting him. “I was…was not…I didn’t mean….”
I can’t stand it, him looking so flustered and embarrassed, so I just move toward him and pull him into my side.
“No worries, Doc.”
He glances up at me. “I didn’t mean to sound judgmental.”
“I know. You can’t help it. Let’s go knock.”
A second later, I’m pounding on the door, shouting for someone to answer. I hear footsteps moving through the RV, and a moment later, the door swings open. Magnus stands in front of me, rolling his eyes. He’s wearing tight skinny jeans and a pale pink shirt. His fingernails are painted a bright red and is that eyeliner?
“Oh, Luke. How ever did I guess it was you?”
I snort and flick his hip. “Where’s my brother, tiny?”
Magnus ignores me, peers over my shoulder, and then raises his eyebrows. “Oh, who is this, Luke? You have been mysteriously absent lately. Is this the reason why?”
“Yep. He’s my BFF,” I say.
“Is he now? Because Caleb called me last night….” Magnus begins, but I cut him off.
“Damn, Caleb. Such a fucking gossip. He can’t keep a secret to save his life.”
Magnus hops down the stairs and pushes past me, holding out his hand to Elliot. “Hello there, handsome. I’ve heardallabout you. I’m Magnus, Luke’s brother-in-law.”
Elliot looks at me before glancing down at Magnus. He nods once and extends his hand. “Elliot.”
Sem suddenly appears, watching Magnus vigorously pumping Elliot’s hand, then my brother’s blue eyes swivel to meet mine.
“Hey, bro. What are you doing here?” Sem asks me as we both move to stand where Elliot and Magnus are chatting.
Before I can answer, Magnus chimes in. “Look, Sem. Luke brought afriend.” The way Magnus says that word makes me snort and causes Elliot to arch an eyebrow.
Sem eyes Elliot and Elliot eyes Sem and then my brother turns to me and smirks, “He does that thing with his eyebrows, like Whit.”
“Fuck, I know.”
“Who’s Whit?” Elliot asks. “You’ve mentioned him before.”