Page 98 of Luke
“Have you heard anything about the pipeline accident?” I ask the woman behind the counter. She doesn’t even look up at me, her eyes glued to her computer. “Do you know which hospital the survivors have been taken to?”
“Memorial Care,” she tells me, and I nod.
“Thank you.”
I pull out my phone with trembling fingers and dial Jane. “Any news on the baby?” I ask.
“No, nothing yet.”
I nod and bite my bottom lip. “Can you call Memorial Care and ask if Luke is there…I can’t…I can’t do it, Jane.”
“Of course,” she says and hangs up on me. I lean against a wall, clutching the phone, and a moment later, it vibrates.
“Yeah?” I say.
Jane blurts, “He’s not there.”
My heart sinks because that either means he’s alive, or…he didn’t make it.
“Did they release the names of the ones who…of the victims?”
“No, they couldn’t tell me. HIPAA law and all that.”
I understood. I did, but fuck, if I wasn’t nauseous notknowing.
“Okay. Okay,” I breathe.
“Think positive thoughts. He’s fine. I know it,” Jane says. “Luke’s invincible.”
I move through the double doors and repeat that over and over until it’s all I can hear.
And yet, I still don’t believe it. I need concrete proof to continue to exist in this life. I need to know even if he doesn’t return to me.
“Jane,” I ask, suddenly thinking of something. “Do you have Lex’s number?”
“Whyever would I have that man’s number,” she replies, sounding guilty. But I know her all too well. Lex and my sisters were whispering that night after returning home from the stakeout, and I know phone numbers were exchanged.
They just can’t help themselves.
They collect weirdos like they collect romance novels.
I sigh. “Give it to me. I need his help.”
* * *
Lex shows up to my house later that night with two hard-shelled cases in hand. Eliza had successfully delivered her baby girl a couple hours after Seth had arrived, and I finally got to go home after meeting baby Fiona.
I’m exhausted and aching, but my worry is keeping me up. I know I look like a mess, bloodshot eyes, rumpled clothes, hair standing every which way. But if Lex notices my dire state, he says nothing.
“Ah, so pleased to have gotten your call,” he says. “I love breaking the law,” he adds with a flourish, and I shush him while ushering him into my living room.
“Keep it down,” I say, feeling nervous and thrilled all at the same time. I can’t believe I’m doing this and yet, here I am.
A criminal. Well, a soon-to-be criminal. If I end up in jail over this, it will be worth it. There have been no new reports on who the victims were and it’s driving me crazy.
Lex hands me a case and I open it, seeing a laptop inside. I pull it out and set it on the coffee table.
“You sure you want to do this, Ellie-Belly?” he asks me, and I shake my head.