Page 118 of Until Him
It’s raining buckets when we leave my apartment the next day.
After holding onto me for hours, Logan went back to his place to pack and then returned with his stuff. We spent the night inside of each other, fucking in the moonlight before waking up and driving out of town.
My hand is currently tucked into his as we make our way down the highway.
I thought I’d lost him yesterday, but it was all just a horrible misunderstanding.
My past came back to haunt me. My stupid brain convinced me that because we hadn’t talked yet, hadn’t made anything official, that we were still just messing around and he was planning on ending things. And when he got that amazing grade, I was sure he was over me now that he had what he wanted.
Turns out, all he really wanted wasme.
I’m so glad, he didn’t leave.
What would have happened if he’d walked away? My heart clenches in my chest at the thought.
“What do we tell your parents…about us?” I ask, glancing over at Logan.
God, he’s so handsome, so fucking beautiful.
Logan shrugs, eyeing me. “Uh, what doyouwant to tell them?”
I glance out the window, not even letting myself hope.
“Get out of that big brain of yours and tell me, Theo. What do you want this to be?” he asks firmly.
Fuck, is he going to make me say it? I can’t.
Logan grunts and sighs heavily. “Jesus, Theo. We’re boyfriends. Okay? That’s what we’re going to tell them. Repeat after me,boyfriends.”
I gape at him and my heart skips a beat.
“Are you sure?”
He grumbles under his breath.
“I’m fucking sure. You’re mine. Good luck getting rid of me.”
“I don’t want to get rid of you. I just…I’ve never had a boyfriend before.”
“Me either…” He looks at me and his lips twitch. “You’re my first.”
My lips break into a smile and my heart throbs in my chest.
“Okay. Boyfriends then.”
Curie meows loudly from the backseat.
“Think she approves?”
I glance back and she just blinks at me.
“Yeah, I think she does.”
* * *
We make it to his parents’ house and I’m nervous all over again.