Page 31 of Until Him
“I need to go,” I mutter, and his smile slips a little.
“Hey. Hold up, wait a minute,” he begins but is interrupted when another man jogs up to us. He’s tall and muscular with shaggy brown hair and light brown eyes, and he throws an arm around Logan’s shoulders, jostling him slightly.
Logan reaches up and ruffles his hair. “Hey, Finn.”
“Hey, Lo. Who’s this?” the guy asks, his eyes slipping over me, assessing me. Fuck, I hate this part of meeting people—those initial snap judgments we make about one another. How wrong they usually are.
Case in point—Logan Lewis.
“This is Theo. My tutor.”
Finn’s eyes widen and then narrow at me. “Oh. I see.”
Do you?I fold my arms across my chest, feeling defensive. I eye him right back, hoping my glower will scare him away.
Finn doesn’t back down though, and I’m starting to shrink. I hate it when I feel like this. It’s something I told myself I’d never subject myself to again, and yet, here I am, melting.
“This was a mistake,” I mutter and then turn on my heel, but I don’t get far because Logan is following me, nipping at my heels like some kind of eager puppy.
“Hey, don’t go. Come out for a celebratory drink with us.”
I hadn’t noticed that they’d won, honestly. I was too focused on thoughts of him writhing underneath me as I peeled that tiny swimsuit off with my teeth. My mind has gone places these past two weeks that it has no business going.
“I shouldn’t. Your friend over there would be unhappy if I showed up.”
Not to mention I won’t fit in with a bunch of jocks. What the fuck would I even talk about?
Logan flicks his hand in dismissal. “Nah, Finn is cool. He’s just worried about me. He’s a worrier. It’s a problem he needs to deal with.”
My eyebrows meet. “Did you tell him about….”
He rubs the back of his neck and peeks over at me. “Yeah, I mean, not the details, but yeah. I told him we had anarrangement.”
My breath huffs out in a mortified laugh.
“No wonder he was glowering at me.”
“Yeah, he does that. He gets a little protective.”
I glance over at Logan’s friend and shake my head. He’s still leaning against the wall, eyeing the two of us curiously.
“Doesn’t matter,” Logan says, pulling my gaze toward him. “Come out with us. We can have likeonedrink and then go back to study.”
I need to turn him down. For self-preservation, mostly.
“I have things I need to get done….”
“Like what?”
I reach up and touch my ear, searching for my pencil, but when I come up empty, I shove my hands in my pockets.
“Like, grocery shopping.”
Logan snorts.
“And laundry.”
Logan throws his arm around my shoulders, and then he’s moving me out of the stands, out the double doors, and toward a group of guys converging on the sidewalk.