Page 46 of Justice of Hell
“We can use that sex swing we bought!” Artemis said none too quietly. Moans and groans came from the surrounding bikers.
“I need me a wife and a sex swing,” Inglorious bitched, and Lance laughed and slapped him on the shoulder.
“I just need a woman, bro,” Lance replied.
“My hands are worn out!” Mouse chipped in, and jeers came at him as brothers threw wrappers and beer mats at his head. “Hey, I admit it, but you fuckers pretend you ain’t jerking off!”
“Better not be to my daughters!” Drake warned, and peals of laughter boomed around the clubhouse. I’d been at Magic’s bar long enough to know Drake had two beautiful girls, Jodie, an actress and Serenity, a model.
“Don’t have a death wish, Drake,” Sniper called out, and everybody laughed again. “If someone is, they won’t fuckin’ admit it.”
I nearly peed my pants laughing as Drake’s head literally swivelled on his neck, and he glowered at Sniper and then sent a glower at everyone there. Half of Rage MC present were pissing themselves in laughter at Drake.
“Told ya!” Texas boomed.
“Shut the fuck up,” Drake warned as people laughed again. Slowly the bikers sat down, and conversation rose. The outsiders disappeared, and a heaviness left the bar. Magic checked Alice before sending her back to work. Even though I was helping behind the counter and waitressing, I kept a sharp eye on Diesel as he brooded. His gaze followed Alice unless somebody spoke to him. Shotgun was texting someone, and when Diesel’s phone chirped, he glanced down, howled and slapped Shotgun around his head.
“What a night.” I sighed as we locked up. By two, Magic kicked the stragglers out, and we were closing. Shotgun and Diesel were staying tonight, and they had fold-up cots and sleeping bags with them. They’d helped Dakota up the stairs and came back down.
“Pyro’s okay, Bunny, up you go now, girl,” Diesel murmured.
“Thanks, Diesel,” I said and kissed Hellfire’s Sergeant at Arms on his cheek before doing the same with Shotgun. They both gave me a brief squeeze before I walked upstairs. Dakota was resting on my couch when I entered the apartment. He’d changed into loose shorts and a tight tee, and my mouth watered. I stopped in front of him and yanked my panties down. Dakota’s eyes opened wide as I pulled his jeans down and, without a word, took his cock in my mouth.
“Fuck, Bunny!” Dakota wheezed.
“Um, umm,” I murmured around his dick. I’d missed this all week. As I sucked Dakota hard, I slid my fingers between my legs and rubbed myself. Dakota knocked my hand away and lifted me up. Muscles bulged as my lips tore from his cock, and then he settled me on top of him, facing his cock. I instantly took it back in my mouth as Dakota opened my legs on either side of his shoulders and sank his mouth into my pussy.
My eyes widened as Dakota’s tongue slid between my folds and entered me. It teased the sides of my entrance as he flicked his tongue inside of me before teasing me some more. Dakota smeared my wetness over my ass and pushed a finger in. I squeaked around his cock and sucked hard on his head. Dakota’s dick pulsed under my attention, and I removed it from my mouth and traced my tongue up and down it.
“Bunny, stop. If I’m going to spill, it will be inside you,” Dakota warned. Oh, a challenge. I gripped his base firmly and took Dakota as far as possible into my mouth. I orally fucked Dakota, and when he tried to pull away, I refused to let him go and kept at it. Dakota’s head fell away from my pussy, but his finger remained inside my ass, fucking me as hard as I was him. I felt Dakota surge, and then he spilt on my tongue. The force of Dakota’s orgasm took me by surprise, and I nearly choked, but I swallowed and licked him clean. Dakota removed his finger, and between the two of us, I turned around and faced him.
His cock was semi-hard, and I needed it inside me. My insides ached to be filled. Slowly, I began rubbing my wet pussy over his cock, and Dakota’s eyes closed as I gave him a pussy lap dance. Within minutes, Dakota was hard again, and I lifted and positioned his cock before sinking onto it in relief.
“Oh yeah, baby,” I whispered as I began moving and setting the pace. His hands on my hips, Dakota let me set the pace. I started slowly, letting Dakota fill me with each thrust before moving faster as I felt an orgasm building. I leaned back against his raised knee and saw his cock slide in and out of me. A cry left my lips as I watched, spellbound by how well we fit and moved together, and then I shoved forward and ground down hard.
“That’s it, baby. Take what you need,” Dakota urged, matching my pace. I leaned forward and bit his shoulder, then my orgasm erupted like a volcano, and Dakota snatched my mouth to his and sank my cries into a deep kiss. I collapsed against Dakota as he held my hips and thrust hard against me. Without a word, Dakota withdrew suddenly and shoved me onto my knees. Carefully, Dakota positioned himself behind me, minding his broken leg.
Dakota slapped my ass, spread my cheeks and rubbed my orgasm over my anus before slowly and gently pushing his dick in. He moved slowly, asking if he was hurting me. It felt uncomfortable but not painful. When I was fully seated, he pulled out before pushing gently back in. Dakota kept up this slow pace for several minutes, allowing me to get used to it. Then he upped the pace, and I felt it deep within me.
“Oh, oh,” I cried as Dakota hit the spot each time. His hands gripping me, Dakota began fuckin’ me hard, and I pushed back against him, needing more. The pleasure of being fucked hard swept over me, and I screamed as I released harder than I’d ever done before. I saw stars in my eyes and couldn’t catch my breath as Dakota spilt deep inside me and slowed his pace. A few thrusts later, Dakota pulled out and turned me on my side as he collapsed next to me.
“Jesus, Bunny, I’ll never bore of fuckin’ you,” Dakota muttered. That was good because I didn’t think I’d ever tire of him fucking me.
“Love you,” I moaned against his chest as my eyes fell shut. Dakota stiffened next to me.
“Love you more, babe,” Dakota whispered and held me tight to his body. His seed was spilling down my legs, and tonight I didn’t care. I was claiming Dakota as much as he was claiming me.
Chapter Ten.
“Have you two completely finished?” I asked, amused two days later as Fanatic and Calamity argued in the front of Drake’s pick up. I was surprised when Calamity had turned up this morning as he was a Rage member, but Fanatic explained they’d been out together last night. It appeared they were close friends who loved to argue.
“Okay, Bunny, settle it. Which is the fastest ship in Star Wars?” Calamity asked, turning to me. Well, there’s only one reply to that question.
“The Millennium Falcon, it has to be. It did the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs.” Calamity howled at my answer while Fanatic scowled and booed for a different reason.
“No way is that hunk of junk the fastest ship,” Fanatic retorted. “The A-wing is, and it’s fitted with a hyperdrive.”
“The Millennium Falcon has a hyper drive too,” I pointed out reasonably.