Page 57 of Not Over You
“I’m bleeding,” she said, mystified.
She turned her palm up to see a big cut across her lifeline. “I-I’m bleeding. My hand.”
Jordan stopped what he was doing and, pushing a knee against the tree to keep her up, he released her ass and took her hand. “How’d that happen?”
She shook her head. “I have no idea.”
“We need to get this cleaned up.”
“No … not yet. Please let’s … let’s keep going. It’s a shallow scratch. I’ll live.”
“Rayma, I’m not going to let you keep bleeding, while I get off. I’m pretty sure that’d put me in the running for the world’s worst boyfriend.” He slowly helped her down off his waist and he slid out of her, much to her body’s disappointment.
She stepped away, holding the thumb of her other hand over the cut and lifting both arms above her head.
Jordan assessed the tree.
“Fuck almighty, there’s a nail sticking out of the tree.” He shoved his fingers into his hair. “Baby, I’m so sorry.”
Rayma turned around. “My back’s sore, too, is there—”
“You have a giant scratch on your back, too. And it’s bleeding.”
“I do?” She craned her neck around but couldn’t see anything. “I was so caught up in the moment and it felt so good the pain didn’t even register.” A girly giggle bubbled up from the back of her throat. “I mean, we both know I like pain with my pleasure, so the fact that I didn’t pay it any mind kind of makes sense.”
“Not really.” He sounded so guilty. “This is a different kind of pain. You’re fucking bleeding.” Releasing a breath of frustration and sorrow, he located the backpack and pulled out the first aid kit. “I’m so sorry, babe. I thought this would be fun. You loved it the last time we had sex outside, let your freak spirit really fly so I just thought—”
Rayma released her hand and went to him, gripping his arm and hauling him upright. “Jordan, this was amazing. I enjoyed every second of it up until about now.” She chuckled. “And even now, it’s not so bad. The cuts are minor, and we’re together. That’s what counts. We’re both so busy with work and school, we need to make the most of the time we do have together.”
His smile seemed forced and his chest lifted and fell dramatically. “Let me clean up your cut, baby.”
“Good thing I’m up to date on my tetanus, huh?”
“Yeah, good thing.”
She offered him her hand. “And then can you fuck me up against the tree? Or a different tree without a rusty nail sticking out of it?” She glanced around in search of a less violent evergreen.
He started dabbing a gauze to the already coagulating cut, but it was his hooded gaze and the way his nostrils flared that had her pussy pulsing. “Oh, you better believe it.”
Present day …
After Rayma finished bandaging his hand—in deafening silence no less—she got up and returned the first aid kit to the bathroom, then went back to the kitchen where she took her frustrations out on the turkey. He’d never seen a person carve a bird with such feral enthusiasm.
The sliding glass door opened and Zoe stepped into the house. “What’s going on with my parents? They’re acting weird. Like Zane does when he’s had cough medicine.”
Jordan flicked his gaze to Rayma. “Uh …”
“Your parents have had something that is supposed to relax people, but they took a bit too much and aresuperrelaxed.”
Zoe’s eyes widened. “Like drugs?”
“Nothing illegal, honey,” Rayma assured her. “And they didn’t do it on purpose. It was an accident. In something they ate.”