Page 68 of Not Over You
Rayma snickered. “I’m pretty sure he and Joy have boned on every surface in here, too.”
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that,” Jordan said, wrinkling his face as he wiped down where Rayma’s bare ass had been.
“What? Old people need orgasms, too. I happen to think they’re absolutely adorable and kudos to them if they’re still banging it out.”
He tossed the paper towel into the garbage, then reached for her hand. She laced her fingers through his and he brought the back of her hand to his lips. “Shall we head back to the house to see what kind of a new disaster has befallen us since our absence?”
She beamed at him. “We shall. Because at least we’ll be able to tackle the disaster together.”
“Always together, baby. Forever.”
“Where’s the Woodstock crew?” Rayma asked when they exited Grant’s shop and walked across the backyard toward the sliding glass door.
The grass where all the adults had been laying watching clouds or Russian and North Korean drones float by was void of any people now.
“Oh God, I hope they’re not all high and paranoid around the kids.”
Jordan squeezed her hand. “I’m sure it’s fine. Let’s go see. The pizza should have arrived by now.”
He opened the door and let her step in ahead of him.
Voices filled the air, laughter, chatter, and a bit of bickering among a couple of kids.
The sounds of a typical Hart family get-together, from what he could remember.
With their hands still clasped together, they made their way into the dining room and living room area where everyone was.
Pizza boxes were open and scattered across the dining room table, along with the stuffing in a big bowl, Jordan’s French bread with butter, and Rayma’s Nanaimo bars. A few of the kids were sitting at the table happily eating their pizza, while the rest along with all the adults were sitting with their pizza on plates in the living room. The movie was on pause and everyone was smiling.
“Thanks for the pizza, Uncle Lassie,” Connor said, dipping his crust into a big puddle of ranch dressing on his plate.
“Anytime, kid,” he said, his eyes continuing to roam the living room. “Are we in the Twilight Zone?” he murmured to Rayma.
“Are we even in the right fucking house?” she replied.
“There they are!” Joy cheered, getting up from her favorite chair. She approached Rayma, her eyes slightly sad. “I heard about the turkey, angel. And I’m so sorry.”
“I’m the one that should be apologizing, Joy.”
Joy waved her hand as if Rayma’s apology was a pesky fly. “Nonsense, my love. These things happen. You did a tremendous job with everything. Holding down the fort until we all spiraled back down to earth. The kids are safe, happy and fed. Nobody got hurt, and the dogs will be full for days.” Her eyes drifted down to their joined hands and a big grin stretched across her face. “And I think the most important thing happened of all. So I’m grateful for all of today, even the disastrous bits.” She pressed a kiss to Rayma’s cheek and whispered, “That shop is an aphrodisiac, isn’t it?”
Rayma’s cheeks flooded with pink and because it was the ear next to Jordan, he heard every word and his cheeks grew warm, too.
Joy winked at both of them. “So happy to see the world as it should be once more.”
Jordan’s smile fell. So did Rayma’s.
“Wait, were you guys evenhigh? Was this all an enormous ruse?” Rayma’s gaze bounced from one person to the next, searching for answers.
Jordan did the same. He landed on Heath and squinted. Heath squirmed under Jordan’s stare. But he was also high as the space station, and believed that the clouds were actually cotton balls glued onto drones, so his reaction wasn’t to be trusted.
“Is Polly even a real person?” Rayma asked. “Does she even exist? Was there anything besides chocolate and carbs in those brownies?”
“Of course, Polly is a real person,” Joy said with a dismissive scoff. “She’s been a patient for years.”
“I for one wasnot… am not faking it,” Heath said. “I had no clue those were pot brownies until it was too late. I’ve never done that before and my brain still feels funny.” He glanced around. “Where’s my mask? I’d feel better if I wore my mask until this stuff wears off more.”