Page 30 of Natural Passion
"What needs of yours aren't being met? Maybe I can help."
"I don't need any help."
Eve joined the group for dinner in the guest house. She enlisted Ollie to assist with the cleanup, waving me away when I tried to join in. Was she avoiding me? That wouldn't work for long. Tomorrow, I'd be posing for her. A private session with Eve Holt was worth a lot more than a hundred dollars.
Eve retreated to her office after cleaning up the dinner mess.
I waited in my room, lying on the bed, with the door halfway open.
At eleven o'clock, Eve sashayed down the hallway. When she spotted my open door, she leaned in to peek at me. "Thought you'd be asleep."
"I'm a night owl." I stretched and sighed. "Why don't you lie down with me?"
She shook her head, her lips twitching up at the corners. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm used to sleeping alone."
"Who said anything about sleeping?"
"Good night, Val."
She moved away from the door.
I sighed again, this time with disappointment. "Good night, Eve."
After a few minutes of trying to read a book on my phone, I gave up. Eve's curves kept invading my thoughts, driving me crazy with visions of what I could do to that body. I set my phone down and took my rock-hard cock in my hand. If she wouldn't join me, I'd take care of things on my own. Maybe she'd overhear and decide to join me.
By the time I'd come, I realized Eve wasn't going to walk through the door and beg to take my dick in her mouth. Just the thought of her doing that made me hard again. I tried to sleep, but the sensual woman slumbering across the hall from me tormented my dreams.
Tomorrow. We would fuck tomorrow.
If we didn't, I'd need tranquilizers to get through another night.
Chapter Eleven
"Oh, Val, yes." I slipped my hand between my drenched folds, stroking myself while remembering the dreams I'd had last night. Dreams about him. About us together. Naked and writhing and devouring each other in every way imaginable. I whisked my fingers up and down my cleft, and my breaths grew shorter and sharper.
A fist rapped on my door.
I froze, halfway to my happy ending, panting and burning for release. "Who is it?"
"Val. I've made you breakfast."
"What time is it?" I could've glanced at the clock on my bedside table, but I'd lost the ability to move even a single muscle. My hand was still between my legs.
"It's five thirty," he said. "This is when you normally get up, so I made sure to be up first. It's the only way I'll get the chance to do something for you."
Oh, he'd done something for me all right. He'd turned me into a sex-obsessed idiot who spied on him while he masturbated and got myself off repeatedly while thinking of him. I hadn't watched him last night, though I had my suspicions he'd done himself a favor at least twice. His bed had been thumping, and I'd heard his grunts.
Big mystery why I'd endured intensely erotic dreams last night that forced me to do myself a favor…or two, or three. Maybe this was the fourth time. I'd lost count.
"May I come in?" Val asked.
"Uh…just a minute." I snatched a tissue off the box on the table and wiped my fingers with it. Jumping up, I straightened my nightie. "Come in."
The door opened. Val sauntered inside.
He swept his gaze over my rumpled sheets and then up to my face. "Your cheeks are pink. Aren't you feeling well?"