Page 41 of Natural Passion
"Can't wait for dessert," I said. "Need you now."
"But I have to finish making breakfast. Hungry nudists are waiting, and they won't like their hot breakfast to arrive cold."
I fisted my hand in her hair, tugging her head back to expose her slender throat. Her mouth fell open. I raked my tongue up her skin from the base of her throat to the tender spot right under her jaw. "We'll heat up the food in the microwave."
She leaned into me, her hands landing on my thighs. "We can't. We shouldn't."
"Yes, we should, and we can." I glided my palm down her leg until I found the hem of her dress, then slipped my hand under it. Her skimpy underwear blocked me from touching her where I desperately wanted to, so I settled for stroking her through the fabric. "Say yes, Eve."
Her breasts heaved. Her panties grew wet.
She crooked her fingers into my thighs and whispered, "Yes."
I suckled her earlobe.
High-pitched screams erupted outside.
Eve jerked. "They're early."
"The Kitten Brigade." She shoved me away and whirled around, straightening her dress. "They never get here this early in the morning."
She raced out the door.
I followed at a slower pace.
There in the driveway hunkered a neon-pink motor home. Young women were still pouring out of the vehicle, every one of them wearing a simple white T-shirt dress.
Eve and I stopped ten feet from the group.
Once the last girl had exited the motor home, they all whipped off their clothes and shrieked. White dresses, the only items of clothing they wore, flew into the air and sailed down to land on the gravel of the driveway.
The gaze of every last member of their group zeroed in on me.
Whoops and shrieks exploded from them, and the throng descended.
Chapter Fifteen
Oh. Dear. God. The Kitten Brigade swarmed Val like they'd discovered a juicy T-bone steak after being on a liquid diet for a month. I got muscled out of the way as eight twenty-something women rushed at the man I'd spent most of yesterday screwing. They giggled and shrieked and barraged him with questions, all talking at once so there was no chance he could understand their questions, much less answer them.
Val stayed calm, though. He smiled and shook the girls' hands. How a naked man surrounded by nubile, nude women could remain so composed baffled the hell out of me. Most guys would've freaked out or gotten angry—or developed a raging erection. I supposed Val was used to this kind of attention. He had become a celebrity thanks to his outrageous public behavior.
When the Kittens continued to swarm Val after a couple of minutes, I shoved two fingers into my mouth and whistled. The sound pierced the babbling of the crowd, and everyone in the vicinity—the Kittens, Val, and the other guests—swung their attention to me.
"Girls," I said, "let the man breathe, okay? Having a guest suffocate under a pile of women wouldn't be good press for the resort."
The de facto leader of the Kitten Brigade, Heidi Mackenzie, sashayed over to me. She gave me a quick, firm hug and then feigned a pout. "We're sorry, Evie. But you can't expect us to ignore the hottest guy who's ever set foot on your property."
"No, but I can and do expect you to not assault him en masse."
Somehow, even while stark naked with her nipples jutting from her perky breasts, she pulled off an expression of pure innocence. Her angelic looks, with golden-blonde hair and pale-blue eyes, helped. "We didn't touch him. Not even an ass pinch. We kept our hands to ourselves even though he is a walking fudge pop begging to be licked."
Oh yeah, Val and Heidi had something in common—utter shamelessness.
Heidi leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Please tell me you've tapped that."