Page 47 of Natural Passion
"That must be when you had your idea for this place."
"Yeah, but it wasn't a eureka moment. It was an accident." She swung her attention back to me. "I was researching nature photography when I made a serendipitous typo. While I was typing the word nature, the search engine popped up with suggested searches, and I accidentally clicked on 'naturist.' I was going to click away from the search results, but I got curious. When I looked at the first page in the search results, I learned naturist is another word for nudist. I didn't close the browser window. I kept looking."
"A closet voyeur, eh?"
"Maybe at first," she admitted, her head bowed, looking up at me through her lashes. "But then I realized it wasn't all about sex. Some people prefer to be naked. Browsing various websites about nudism gave me an idea. It seemed like there weren't a lot of affordable retreats geared toward nudists. When my dad inherited this property, complete with a hot spring, I got my brilliant idea."
"You serve an underserved population of tourists." I traced a finger down her cheek. "You are brilliant, Eve. And hardworking. And a talented photographer, not to mention incredible in bed."
"So are you." She reached inside the picnic basket and dug out a box of cookies. "Ready for dessert?"
My cock loved the idea of Eve crumbling cookies all over me and licking them up crumb by crumb, but my curiosity pushed me to ask one more question. "How often do you see your family?"
With a soft little groan, she set down the cookie box. "We all go to our parents' house in Florida for Thanksgiving. For Christmas, we alternate between Maine and my place. This year, it's my turn."
"Are those the only times you see your family?"
"My parents like to surprise me every so often. My brother and sister have each visited a few times, and they keep pestering me to visit them." She leaned forward to settle her hand on my thigh. "May we please end the getting-to-know-you session?"
"Absolutely." I rose and offered her my hands, helping her up when she took them. "Take your clothes off, Eve, and join me in the water."
"I don't go naked in public."
"We're alone. Heidi promised to keep everyone away from the hot spring."
"Oh great. Everyone will know we're out here getting it on."
"No, I told Heidi we're having a picnic."
Eve gave me a skeptical look. "That's code for screwing each other's brains out."
I kissed her forehead. "Take a chance. With me."
I ran for the pool and dived in.
The water was warmer than body temperature, but not too hot. Perfect for making love to a beautiful woman. By the time I surfaced at the pool's center, Eve had shed her dress and was slipping out of her panties. The sight of her nude made me hard. I'd seen her naked body before, had my hands and mouth all over her, but seeing her never failed to arouse me. It was different than with other women. I craved her more every time I had her, but with the others, I'd gradually lost interest. I couldn't imagine ever getting tired of Eve.
I swam to the shore, where a ledge offered a place to rest my arms. "Grab a condom, would you? They're in the basket."
"There aren't any—"
"Underneath everything else."
She dug around inside the basket and brought out the box of condoms. "You sneaked an entire box of them in here? Seems like overkill."
"Not with you. I can't get enough of your body."
"We don't really need these anyway." She threw me a sideways glance. "Unless you have a secret you need to tell me? About your health?"
"I'm clean, Eve. I get tested regularly."
"Okay, then. We don't need these." She tossed the box of condoms back into the basket. "I'm clean too, and I'm on the pill. Besides, I don't know if condoms work underwater. Do you?"
"No, I've never had sex in the water before."
She straightened, her brows wrinkling as she stared at me. "You have never done it in the water? But you're so adventurous."