Page 5 of Natural Passion
"Hardly seems necessary." I set down my bag and leaned against the jamb of the open door, probably standing closer to her than was necessary or appropriate. Fuck appropriate. The sweet, fresh scent of her enveloped me, and I wouldn't give that up one second sooner than I had to. "Thank you for sharing your home with me, Eve."
"No problem."
I tipped my head to the side, studying her. "May I ask a personal question?"
"Why does a woman who's not a nudist own a nudist retreat?"
"For the money." She hunched her shoulders. "I know that sounds crass, but it's true. I make a decent living catering to the clothing-optional set."
"That's not crass. It's smart." My attention stalled on her breasts and the faint lines of the bra that held them up in perfect position. I would get her naked as soon as possible. I had to. My cock insisted on it, and I'd never had much luck fighting my carnal urges.
Eve glanced into the bedroom. "Oh, I forgot your welcome packet."
While she sprinted down the hallway to the kitchen, I carried my bag into the little room and set it on the floor beside the bed. The mattress was a decent size, large enough for me—and for Eve too, if she should join me. A dresser with a large attached mirror was pushed up against the wall, and a pair of accordion doors probably concealed a small closet. A telephone, cordless and seated in its charging base, sat on a little round table tucked into one corner while an old-fashioned clock with large hands counted the hours, minutes, and seconds.
A window overlooked the lawn where the miniten net was still set up.
The distinctive clapping of sneaker-clad feet on the wood floors drew my attention to the doorway.
Eve, breathless and smiling, clutched a large basket in her arms. It was full of items I couldn't quite make out, thanks to the large, blue-satin bow tied to the handle with its long ribbons hanging over the entire basket.
She marched to the little table, set down the basket, and plucked a manila envelope from inside it. She waved the envelope at me. "Here's your welcome packet."
I strode up to her and accepted the envelope.
"You've got a map of the property," she said, "with all the attractions noted, along with brochures for things you can do away from the resort in the local area. You'll need to wear clothes if you go off site." She pried open the metal tabs that held the envelope shut. "There are also coupons for local restaurants. The national forest borders my property on three sides, but there's no fee to hike on that land."
She pulled the envelope's flap out, seemingly to encourage me to examine its contents. Her expectant look confirmed my assumption.
I slid the contents out and flipped through them. "You are thorough, aren't you?"
"Yep." She stepped back and gestured toward the basket. "This is your welcome kit with samples of everything you might need."
I leaned in to examine the items. "Sunscreen. Lip balm. Foot moisturizer. Body lotion. Aloe. Insect repellent. Calamine lotion." I glanced at her, my brows raised. "Are you expecting insects to be a problem?"
"Not usually, but twice we've had an invasion of no-see-ums." She feigned disgust. "It's not pretty. Then there was the year we had an outbreak of poison ivy." She tapped the pink bottle of calamine lotion. "You may never need this, but trust me, if you do, you'll be glad you have it."
"You take good care of your guests." I considered what she'd said a moment ago. "No-see-ums?"
"Teeny-tiny bugs that will eat you alive and you may never even see them. They're also called midges." She faked an exaggerated shiver. "The no-see-um attacks were like something out of a horror movie. You need super-strong insect repellent for that. It might melt your tattoos, but at least you won't get bitten up."
One corner of her mouth twitched upward, and I knew she was teasing me. I liked that. "My tattoos are made from molten steel. I think they'll survive your insects."
She waggled her eyebrows. "You haven't seen the mosquitoes yet."
I grinned. She was the most adorable, sexiest woman I'd ever met.
Eve leaned her bottom against the table. "Here are the rules. No staring at women's breasts or anyone's private parts. Maintain eye contact. You're welcome to wear clothes anytime you want since this is a clothes-optional resort rather than a clothes-free one. Footwear is fine, but do not walk around in your underwear."
"I never bother with underwear."
"Okay." Her brows crinkled, but if I'd shocked her, she shook it off quickly. Clearing her throat, she continued. "Always shower before using the sauna or the hot spring. Always put a towel on a chair or other surface before sitting down on it. No PDAs—public displays of affection—other than a quick hug to say hello or a quick peck on the cheek. Hand holding is acceptable. Oh, no barn doors open when you're sitting or lying down in the presence of other guests."
"Barn doors?"
"It means don't have your legs spread so everyone can see your privates."