Page 63 of Natural Passion
"What's wrong?" I asked, walking up to him.
"The room is ready." His mouth pinched at the corners the same way his eyes did. "The room meant for me."
"Originally meant for you."
"Yes." He scratched the back of his neck. "Should I…ah…move there?"
"What? No, of course not." I got anxious then, rubbing my arms. "Unless you'd be more comfortable there."
"I wouldn't." He pulled me into his body, dipping his head to nuzzle my nose. "I'm the most comfortable when I'm with you."
"Well then…" I looped my arms around his neck and tickled his nape. "Maybe you should sleep in my room from now on. It's silly for you to go back to your room after we have sex."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. Are you okay with that?"
His lips eased into a grin. "Yes, Evie, I'd love to sleep with you every night."
My heart did a little cartwheel every time he called me Evie.
Time zipped by. My family left after twelve days. Both my mom and my sister told me how much they loved Val and that we made a great couple. Even my dad and my brother liked Val. They saw through his infamous past and got to know the real man underneath, the good man who refused to let me handle chores on my own and who insisted on making me breakfast every morning.
He'd even started bringing me breakfast in bed.
During the day, in between prepping meals and otherwise taking care of the guests, we would head to the hot spring, take walks, go into town to buy supplies, or anything we felt like doing. We talked a lot too. I learned more about his childhood in Brazil and what it was like moving to America, first as a teenager and later as an adult. I told him all about my family, my childhood, everything and anything he wanted to know. Every time I did photo sessions for the guests, Val wanted me to take more portraits of him—in and out of clothes. He kept trying to convince me to pose while he took pictures of me. I kept saying no, mainly because he wanted naked pictures of me. Besides, though I was a photographer, I didn't like pictures of myself.
One afternoon, Val and the guests went on a nature hike. I bowed out since I had boring business stuff to do in my office, like the task of filing my quarterly taxes. Maybe I should've found it strange that I no longer thought of Val as a guest, but I'd stopped trying to rationalize everything. I enjoyed his company, and I hoped he'd stay for a good long while.
After I finished my taxes, I headed out across the lawn toward the main trail.
Feminine shrieks emanated from deeper in the woods.
I stopped at the trailhead and tilted my head to listen. Why were women screaming? Val had probably made an off-color joke or done something flamboyant like grabbing a Frisbee and leaping up to toss it high in the air and then catch it. He liked to show off his athletic prowess.
Footfalls pounded. Twigs cracked.
A large figure barreled toward me.
I ducked sideways right when Val rocketed out of the woods. He kept rocketing straight past me and onto the lawn. Gasping for breath, he stumbled to a halt and doubled over with his hands on his thighs.
"What's wrong?" I asked when I rushed over to him.
He held up a hand, one finger raised.
I waited while he caught his breath.
Guests meandered up the trail toward the lawn. Ollie, Ruth, and Sylvester approached me and Val while our newest guests, the young ladies who must've been the ones screaming, trotted off to the guest house. Their smiles and giggles suggested they hadn't been terrified when they shrieked.
"What happened?" I asked Ollie.
"Val should've listened. You and everybody else told him to use the bug spray. He said he didn't see bugs, so why did he need to spray chemicals all over himself?" Ollie shook his head at Val. "Humility, man. You've gotta have a little humility when you're a naturist out in the woods."
Sylvester snickered. "Ought to listen to your girlfriend too."
I realized with a start Sylvester meant me. Was I Val's girlfriend? Was he my boyfriend? I guessed those labels did apply to us. After all, we were essentially living together.