Page 90 of Natural Passion
"That's it? I was expecting to jump more hurdles before you would forgive me."
She linked her hands at my nape. "I forgave you on the plane too."
I touched my lips to hers. "Thank you,meu amor."
"You're welcome." She raised her brows. "Dancing naked? That was the best you could come up with?"
"My only other idea was to lie on the beach masturbating."
She threw her head and laughed.
I pulled her shirt up. When she raised her arms, I tugged it over her head.
As the shirt landed on the coffee table, she grinned. "You like stripping me, don't you?"
"No, I don't like it. I love it." To prove my point, I unhooked her bra and stripped it off her body. "Clothing does have its purposes."
I flipped us so she lay stretched across the sofa with me on top of her.
She unfastened the button on her jeans and eased the zipper down. "Let's see how fast you can get the rest of my clothes off."
"A challenge? All right." I hooked my fingers inside her waistband and yanked off her jeans and panties in one sweep. They got stuck on her shoes, so I yanked those off too along with the socks. All of it fell to the floor within ten seconds. "Fast enough for you?"
"Very impressive." She bent one knee, tipping it to the side, exposing her slick, pink flesh. "I do have one more question."
"Now? I'm about to fuck you."
"Then answer quick." She clasped her hands above her head. "Are you moving to Oregon?"
"Yes. You already knew that." Though her body tempted me to forget everything else, I sat back and said, "I have an offer on my house, so I need to settle that and some other financial matters before I can move. That's why I said I'd come for you in thirty days."
"There's no need to wait. Your lawyer, your real estate agent, and your financial manager can handle that stuff."
"How do you know?"
"Because I talked to your lawyer. His name and phone number were on the documents you sent." She nudged me with her big toe. "How do you think I found your house? You never told me the address. The legal papers had your lawyer's address, not yours."
"I should've known I can't hide from you."
"Did you want to hide?"
"No, not anymore. Not from you." I lowered my body onto hers, and my cock brushed against her wetness. "Thought I'd have to work harder to get you ready for me."
"Honey, all it takes is your naked body. One glimpse of that, and I'm beyond ready."
"You must be very frustrated since I'm naked most of the time, often in front of other people."
"I would never describe the way you make me feel as frustrated." She locked her ankles behind my ass. "With you, I feel alive and free."
"So do I, Evie. Because of you."
Chapter Thirty
Ten months later
I tore my gaze away from the glowing screen of my laptop and surveyed the beach around me. A few mare's tail clouds wisped across the blue sky. Nude men, women, and children cavorted on the sand and in the water while delicate swells lapped at the shore. It was May, but here in southern Brazil, below the equator, that meant autumn. Porto Alegre boasted a subtropical climate that made it hot in the summer and temperate in the winter. Being in the southern hemisphere felt strange, but today it was in the seventies. I could get to like it here.