Page 35 of Natural Impulse
We had sex this morning, but I wanted her. Right now.
I'd told her we should get to know each other better before we got naked again, so I had to keep to my own word. For the rest of the day, we talked and hung out with the other guests and fed each other peanuts until both of the bags she'd won were empty.
At the end of the evening, I kissed her cheek to say good night at the door to her room.
Did I sleep? Sort of. But I dreamed about Mara---that smile, that body, the way she felt wrapped around me.
A week without feeling that again. I might just go insane.
Chapter Thirteen
I'd learned a lot about Ollie in one day, but the next three days taught me even more about him. Not only did he teach yoga, but he also entertained the guests with music, singing and playing the guitar like he had for me on that first day. On the second evening of my stay here, everyone gathered around the fire pit behind the guest house to toast marshmallows and have a good time.
I'd never seen a fire pit like that one, but it was a nice way to have a small bonfire without worrying about how to contain it. A circular brick enclosure surrounded the pit itself, which looked like a large metal bowl. A mesh screen formed a dome over the fire, but Ollie took that off so everyone could toast their marshmallows.
The newest guests, who'd shown up the day after I'd come here, had brought their children with them. Those boys put on a hilarious play about a dragon and dueling knights, with the bonfire as their backdrop.
After that, Ollie took center stage.
Well, he took center lawn. Ollie sat on the grass, cross-legged, and played his guitar so beautifully that he ought to have been a musician, not a computer systems engineer. But when he started to sing, he enthralled me. I'd heard him sing before, but his talent still amazed me. His voice wasn't polished like he'd taken years of lessons. He sang in a natural voice that suited the low-key pop songs he'd chosen to perform. I loved listening to him. His voice made me feel warm in a very different way from the warmth he gave me the rest of the time. This wasn't lust. His singing gave me a good feeling deep inside, one that morphed into a glow in my chest.
After every song, the crowd clapped and whistled. A few people whooped. I was one of them. God, Ollie was incredible. I wanted to see him perform his musical act in the nude, but he still insisted on wearing clothes for my sake.
Though I had gotten used to the nudists, once in a while they surprised me.
On the afternoon of the third day, Ollie had to do some assistant manager work, so I headed down the nature trail on my own. Ollie and I had taken several walks together, and I knew the way. I'd asked him to meet me at the hot spring when he got done with his work, but on the way there, I decided to detour down one of the side trails where he'd shown me a meadow full of wildflowers that attracted lots of butterflies.
I loved that meadow. On this day, the sky was pure blue, and the sun beamed down on me to toast my skin. I spent some time there, enjoying nature, but I didn't keep track of the time. What did it matter? I'd wanted to escape from my structured life in the city, so here I was ignoring the clock and reveling in the beauty of nature.
After a blessedly indeterminate length of time, I returned to the main path and followed it until I reached the junction with the hot spring trail. I turned down that path, but only got a little ways before it happened.
I had just rounded a curve in the trail and when I saw a gray-haired man standing alongside the trail, maybe twenty feet away. He faced sideways to me and had his head down, focused on his hand that cupped his penis.
And he was urinating. Right there. In full view of anyone who walked down the trail.
In full view of me.
"Oh!" I said, slapping a hand over my eyes. Realizing how dumb that was---I'd been around nudists all day every day for the past several days---I lowered my hand and focused on his face.
The man smiled and shrugged. "Sorry. I didn't think anybody would be on this trail. Everybody's playing badminton or watching the games. Everyone except you."
Since this man was clearly in his seventies, maybe even eighties, I decided he wasn't a pervert. He just needed to pee.
I was very proud of myself for not screaming or fainting.
"Don't worry about it," I told the man. "Sometimes you can't fight the call of nature."
My new friend ambled back to the trail and approached me. He offered me his hand to shake---the hand he hadn't used to hold his dick while he relieved himself. "I'm Carl Weatherman. And no, I never worked as an actual weatherman."
He smiled when he said that.
I shook his hand. "Mara Severins. You just got here this morning, right?"
"Yeah, me and my wife got here today."
That meant he probably hadn't heard about me, the idiot who screamed and fainted when she got her first glimpse of nudists. He must've wondered why I wore clothes, but he didn't say anything about that.