Page 40 of Natural Impulse
Mara's mom turned her face toward Sly and forced a polite smile. But then she made the mistake of glancing down---a lot of newcomers who aren't already naturists make that mistake, it's like a reflex action or something---and her eyes bulged bigger than I'd ever seen anyone's eyes do. Her mouth gaped open, and a strangled gasp burst out of her. Her jaw flapped.
I swore she looked like a fish that got yanked out of the water. All she needed was a hook jammed into her cheek.
And I kind of felt sorry for her. She wasn't used to this sort of thing. I also finally understood where Mara got her fear of naked people. It wasn't proper, after all.
Sly, oblivious as usual, grabbed Sheryl's hand and shook it. "I'm Sylvester Norris. That's my wife, Ruth, over there." He nodded toward Ruth, who stood several feet away. "We're so dang pleased to welcome you to our home away from home, Au Naturel Naturist Resort."
Peter slung an arm around Sheryl and gently pulled her away from the naked man who was smiling at her. Sheryl's face had gone pale, and she looked like she was on the verge of fainting or throwing up. Jeez, it wasn't like a porcupine had jumped her. Having experienced that myself, I would've sympathized a lot more if Mara's mom had gotten chased by one of those buggers. But this was just an old fart who let everything hang out.
What was it with the Severins women and nudity?
"Calm down," Peter told his wife in a patient, soothing tone. "That nice man is naked, but he's not going to hurt you. He wants to say hi, that's all."
Another senior citizen nudist, Ralph Edwards, trotted up to Sheryl and offered her a bottle of whiskey. "One swig of this and you'll feel all better. Trust me."
Sheryl stared at Ralph's face for a few seconds, then swerved her attention down to his equipment. Her cheeks turned pink, which seemed like a step up from her pale-and-about-to-barf expression.
Finally, she took the bottle. "Thank you."
She sounded a little hoarse, but at least she was speaking a language everyone here understood.
"No problem," Ralph said, smiling. "A shot of Jack Daniels always makes me feel better."
Ralph moseyed off, disappearing into the crowd.
Sheryl took the cap off the bottle and downed one huge swig of whiskey. She ran the back of her hand across her mouth and gave her husband the bottle. "I would like to speak to my daughter in private, please."
"We can talk," Mara said, "but with Ollie there too."
Mara's mom pursed her lips, lifting her chin.
Peter waved the whiskey bottle in her face. "Maybe a few more gulps of this will loosen you up, Sher."
His wife flashed him a frown, then smiled politely at me. "Of course, Ollie. You may join us, if that's what Mara wants."
"It is," Mara said. "Thank you, Mom."
Sheryl tugged her suit jacket down and smoothed the lapels. "Where may we speak in private?"
"In the caretaker's house." Yeah, I'd just made up that name for the place, since I figured Mara's parents wouldn't understand if I called it Eve and Val's house. "Follow me."
Mara clinched my hand tighter as we led her parents away from the congregation of nudists.
Chapter Fifteen
Ollie and I sat on the stools at the kitchen island while my parents stood on the other side. My mom had refused to sit even when Ollie invited her to take the other stool. After that, Ollie had suggested we go into the living room, since it had plenty of comfy places to sit.
My mother said no. Curtly.
Dad threw her a chastising look, but she ignored it.
So here we were, Ollie and I on this side of the island and my parents on the other side. Dad leaned back against the sink counter, but Mom kept her spine straight and her backside away from the counter.
"Explain yourself, Mara," Mom said. "Why on earth would you want to vacation at a nudist camp?"
"I didn't know that's what it was."