Page 62 of Natural Impulse
I let him take me outside, with Damian following.
Today might turn out to be even more exciting than yesterday.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Damian Petrescu was an awesome friend. I would never have called it a bromance, because that term was so lame, but we were absolutely best friends. So I was glad to have him here, especially since he'd never visited the resort before. Now he got to see where I worked and why I'd quit being a computer systems engineer---well, after I got laid off I decided to quit that line of work---and took a job at a naturist resort. He seemed cool with the idea.
And of course, he loved watching the Kitten Brigade play volleyball. All but Heidi wore sports bras. Damian paid the most attention to her, tracking her every movement with his gaze.
Fine by me. If he slept with Heidi, maybe she'd stop pestering me to take her back.
Heidi was a nice girl, but I didn't want her anymore. She chucked me overboard. Why would I want to crawl back onto that boat?
Mara and I sat on a chaise together, with her on my lap. Nude guests weren't allowed to do this, since it was a violation of the resort rules, but Mara and I were both wearing clothes. We could totally paste ourselves to each other in public.
Damian reclined on the chaise next to us. He'd ditched his clothes.
Mara's jaw had dropped when he did that.
I did not get jealous. She still hadn't gotten completely comfortable with naked people, and Damian worked out a lot, so I expected her to be surprised by her first look at his physique. But she only stared at him for a few seconds, then she went back to adoring me, her lips curled up in a sweet smile.
Yeah, that worked for me.
Mara tickled my lips with her fingertips. "You don't have to keep your clothes on for my sake. I know you'd rather be nude, and I don't mind."
"You sure? I'm cool with staying covered up. You've had a lot of surprises lately, and I don't want to add more stress."
She grinned. "Seeing you naked is the antithesis of stressful. I love ogling you."
"Good. But getting naked would mean I have to move you off my lap, and I'm not ready to do that yet."
Eve and Val had ordered me to take the day off to spend time with my girl and my best friend. How could I say no to that? I hadn't seen Damian in almost a year, and I wanted lots more time with Mara. Catching up with Damian and hanging with Mara seemed like the best day ever.
Except Nico decided to butt his nose into things.
The volleyball game had just ended when the jerk approached us. Mara was still on my lap, her arms around my neck. Damian was still distracted by watching Heidi.
"Could we talk?" Nico asked Mara, completely ignoring me and the fact she was sprawled over my lap.
"No," Mara said, without even looking at him.
She didn't sound annoyed, or even vaguely interested. With her focus on me, she just seemed happy and not the least curious about why Nico wanted to talk.
"Please, Mara," the jerk said. "It's important."
With a sigh, Mara turned to look at him. "Maybe it's important to you, but it's not even a teeny bit important to me. I don't care what you want. I've moved on, and you should do the same."
She focused on me again.
Yeah, I liked this. Mara on my lap, Mara smiling at me, Mara giving her dick of an ex the big brush-off.
Nico hunched his shoulders, shoving his hands into his pants pockets. "Mara, please. You have every reason to tell me to buzz off, but I just want to talk. That's all. I swear."
He sounded contrite and maybe a little sad.
Aw, hell.Being a total sap, I felt bad for the guy. He had gotten scared shitless by a raccoon, and though I hadn't told anyone about that, I still felt for the guy. Maybe he'd realized, after his humiliating tree-hugging incident, that he needed to change his ways.