Page 76 of Natural Impulse
"Oh. Yeah, sorry, I missed that." I faced Peter. "No, I've never gone fishing. Is that something you like to do?"
"Yes," Peter said, "I used to take Mara with me sometimes, until she got older and lost interest in it. Maybe both of you could join me and Sheryl on the boat sometime."
"Sounds awesome."
I couldn't stop myself from glancing at Nico and Heidi as they walked onto the dance floor and he took her in his arms, smiling and saying something that made her laugh.
Mara jabbed me in the side with her finger and whispered, "What are you doing? You haven't taken your eyes off Heidi since she walked into the restaurant."
Leaning in close enough her parents wouldn't hear, I said, "I'm worried about what your ex-husband is up to with Heidi."
"That's their business, not yours."
"I know, but Heidi's kind of...too trusting for her own good."
"Maybe you should go tell Heidi you're still in love with her."
"Why would I do that? I'm not in love with her."
"Are you sure about that?" Mara said loud enough for her parents to hear. "You haven't been able to stop looking at Heidi since she showed up the other day."
Nico was watching us and smiling like the smug baboon he was.
He must've noticed Mara's angry expression. I needed to calm her down and explain things, but I couldn't do that with Nico the Numbskull watching. He'd probably break out a bag of popcorn and munch on it while he enjoyed the show.
"Let's go outside and talk," I said to Mara. "Please."
"Fine." She hopped up. "Let's go."
She half walked, half ran toward the front doors.
And I hurried after her.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
What was wrong with me? I never got hotheaded. I cowered in corners and got so anxious it made me nauseous, but I never confronted anyone. Well, I had tonight. I'd confronted my mom, and she hadn't blown up. Instead, she'd confessed the truth to me, about how Grandma made her feel and how she did the same thing to me. But nothing my mom said had upset me as much as the way Ollie kept staring at Heidi.
I shouldn't be jealous. Right? It was dumb. Ollie wanted to be with me.
So why did he care so much about Heidi going on a date with Nico? He ought to be glad about that, since it meant Nico was losing interest in getting me back.
Unless Nico was using Heidi as a ploy to make me jealous.
I marched halfway across the parking lot, having no idea where I was going, before I stopped and spun around to face Ollie.
He raised his hands, palms out. "I am not in love with Heidi. I never was. We dated for five minutes last year, that's all."
Before I responded, I took a moment to calm myself with slow, deep breaths. "You were staring at her. And it was obvious you didn't like her being with Nico."
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I want her back."
"Even if you don't love her, you're still attracted to her and still feel something for her. During that charades game, you couldn't take your eyes off Heidi."
"Because I couldn't figure out what she was supposed to be acting out."
"You looked like you really enjoyed leering at her naked body."