Page 82 of Natural Impulse
"I hope you're right." I drew random patterns on the butcher-block island with my fingertip, obsessed with the pointless task. "I don't have good luck with women. Don't have any luck at all, actually."
"This time it's different." Eve clasped my hand to stop me from drawing invisible lines. "I saw you with Mara. What you two have isn't a fling. It's real, and I know she'll figure that out too."
"Mara needs to learn how to stand on her own two feet, and I get that. But I can't help worrying she'll realize I'm not the right one for her, and I'll be out in the cold. Again."
"Give it time, but don't wait weeks like Val did with me."
I glanced at her sideways, smirking. "Yeah, I remember how you jumped on a plane to California so you could go smack some sense into him."
"When you love someone, you fight for them. That's what I learned last summer."
"First, I have to let Mara do her self-analysis thing. Right?"
"I can't tell you what to do, Ollie. You know Mara better than I do."
"Yeah, I guess." I checked my watch, groaned, and slid off the stool. "A new guest will be here any minute. Better get out there and greet them."
"Let me do it." Eve hopped off her stool. "You need a few days off. Go hang out with Damian and the rest of the gang." She tugged on one of the buttons on my shirt. "And get out of these clothes. That's an order."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Oh, and you're moving back into the guest room here." She tapped my chest. "That's also an order. You wouldn't leave me alone when I was down in the dumps about Val leaving, so I won't leave you alone either."
"That sounds vaguely like you'll be stalking me."
"Only if you try to get away from me." She smiled and patted my cheek. "Relax. I'll ask Damian to keep an eye on you when I'm not around."
"Great. I have a feeling I'll be stalked by everyone at the resort." I pumped my fists in the air halfheartedly and gave a phony whoop. "This is the awesomest vacation ever."
"We'll stalk you only because we love you."
She kissed my cheek and left.
I got my stuff moved into Eve and Val's guest room and got rid of my clothes, then headed out to the lawn. Damian and some of the other guests were playing badminton. I spotted Heidi slinking toward the driveway while lugging a wheeled suitcase.
So I hurried to catch up to her.
Heidi froze when she saw me. "Ollie? What are you doing?"
"Don't leave, Heidi. Not because of me."
"I'm not leaving because of you. Not completely. I need to go home and get my head on straight, somehow."
"Women are walking out on me all over the place today."
"Mara will be back. She's crazy about you." Heidi lunged toward me to give me a quick hug. "You deserve to be happy, Ollie."
"So do you. Promise you won't stay away from the resort on my account. You and the rest of the Kittens love it here."
Heidi rubbed her arms. "We'll see."
A cab drove up, but it wasn't Phil driving this time. He'd still have been on his way to the airport with Nico. I held the door for Heidi while she climbed in, then I bent to kiss her cheek.
"Have a safe trip home," I said.
She smiled a little. "You're a good man, Ollie."
I shut the door, then stowed Heidi's suitcase in the trunk. And for the second time today, I watched a woman I cared about disappear down the tree-shrouded driveway.