Page 12 of One Hot Roomie
The human sex machine sitting on the sofa with me has stopped gawking, but he still looks flummoxed. "Does he give you oral sex?"
"No, it's more hands-on." I sigh and gaze into space, smiling a touch, like I'm remembering all the fantastic O's Rod has given me. "Rod gets me off faster than any of my other fuck buddies."
"You're what?"
And now Reese's eyes are bulging again.
Maybe I should have mercy and stop torturing him, but I'm having too much fun.
Reese scrubs a hand over his face, twice, until the shock softens into total confusion. "I think you have a very different definition of virginity than anyone else on the planet. How many fuck buddies do you have? Do you take your kit off for them?"
"What's a kit?"
"Your clothes."
"No, I keep my nightie on. But a good, hard come always leaves me zonked out, so I go to sleep right after." I act like I'm sentimental about it when I say, "As for how many fuck buddies I have... Well, there's Rod, obviously. And Big Jim, who gets the job done slower but with more intensity. And oh, I can't forget Jack. He's like a bunny rabbit, all energy and super-quick climaxes."
Reese's confusion has morphed into a suspicious expression. He eyes me like he's almost figured out what I'm talking about. "Jack is like a rabbit. Why do I feel like you're having me on in the worst way?"
"Okay, I admit it. I'm talking about my vibrators."
He blinks quickly several times before a naughty smile spreads across his face. "You have three vibrators? Quite a randy little thing, aren't you?"
"Staying a virgin doesn't mean I have no sexual urges." I tilt my head, eying him kind of the way he'd eyed me a minute ago. "How many women have you slept with?"
"Oh no, I have more sense than that. I never tell a woman the answer because no girl really wants to hear it."
"That many, huh? You're a real hound, I guess."
"I'm a ladies' man."
"Which is code for man-whore."
He scoots closer and speaks in a deeper, softer voice. "I'm experienced, which means I can guarantee you won't want Rod or Jack anymore after you've been with me."
"Awesome. Let's do it now."
"I can't perform on command like a ruddy vibrator." He shoves a hand into his hair. "I feel like we should get to know each other a little first."
"Are you always so shy about getting it on? I mean, from the way you talk, I assumed you'd be raring to go."
"This is different for me." He scrunches up his whole face and groans. "I can't do it, anyway. I promised Chance, and I don't break my word."
"Wow, you are the sweetest, most honorable man-whore I've ever met."
"Thanks. I think." He relaxes, a big breath gusting out of him. "Tell me one thing. What in the bloody hell is a grey?"
Chapter Five
I'm trying to resist Arden, honestly I am. Resistance isn't in my nature, though, not when it comes to women. And this woman is so... irresistible. I paused there because I tried to think of a different word to describe her, but nothing else came to mind. She's curvy and sensual and bizarre and barmy. Whenever she smiles, her cheeks get these sweet little dimples in them, right at the corners of her mouth, and it makes me want to kiss her again. I also love the dimple at the top of her arse, where those delectable cheeks meet. I glimpsed that dimple last night when Arden was traipsing around in her knickers.
A scrap of plaid, that's all it had been. A scrap that barely covered her bottom.
This morning, she's wearing jeans and a short-sleeve jumper, both of which cling to her alluring shape.
Sweater, not jumper. I'm in America now, so I need to remember the differences.