Page 32 of One Hot Roomie
I love being with him.
Okay, I've known him for barely more than two days, three counting today which has just begun. I don't love him. But I can love being with him and love the way he makes me feel. Reese is surprisingly sweet, given his reputation as a player. And his determination to not have sex with me only makes me like him even more.
Despite the fact I want to climb all over his naked body.
I've decided to give him the rest of the week for just dating. After that, I want him. If I have to prance around in my undies all day and all night to get his attention, I will do it. Maybe I'll try walking around buck naked in the apartment. He can't resist that, can he?
I climb out of bed, stretch, and yawn, while I think about what Reese and I can do together today. I haven't shown him the art museums yet. Or Central Park. Or Coney Island. Ooooh, so many wonderfully fun places to take him.
Today, we are going to make out. No sex does not mean no kissing, and I'm in desperate need of his lips on mine and his tongue in my mouth.
But I'd really love his tongue somewhere else...
I put on panties and a bra, then by habit I open the bedroom door. I don't like being shut in all the time, and I'm used to living alone. Reese's bedroom door is shut, so I assume he's still sleeping. I start doing tai chi, relaxing into the sequence of gentle, easy movements. The peacefulness of the routine sends all thoughts drifting away, so for once, I'm free of lustful fantasies about the sexy Brit sleeping across the hall.
Out the corner of my eye, I see the door to Reese's bedroom swing open.
And there he is. The reason for my insanely intense lust. Standing there with nothing on but a pair of black briefs. Sure, I've seen him naked and explored every inch of that body, but something about Reese in those tight briefs makes me start to tingle all over in the best way. It feels decadent and naughty.
He saunters across the hall to my room and leans against the doorjamb, tipping his head to the side while he regards me with nonsexual interest. "What are you doing? I don't know much about yoga, but that doesn't look like what you're about right now."
Looking at him makes me lose my concentration, so I give up on finishing my routine. "It's tai chi, which is very relaxing and steadying. Some people call it meditation in motion."
"You meditate?"
I sit down on the bed. "Yeah. Why are you so surprised? Aren't crazy people allowed to seek a higher state of consciousness?"
"Well, yes, of course." He ambles over to the bed and sits down beside me. "I've never seen anyone actually doing meditation or tai chi or anything like it. My family isn't into that sort of thing. Elena has Chance doing yoga, but I think he only goes along with that so he can use it to seduce her. I wouldn't mind watching a sexy girl twist her body into all those yoga poses."
He winks at me.
"Down, boy," I say. "Afraid I don't do yoga."
"We can invent our own version."
He's got that look in his eye, the one that makes me shiver in the most enticing way. But I agreed to celibacy, which was his idea, so he has no call to be looking at me like he wants to tickle my tummy and rip my clothes off.
And he really has no right to be so hot and British.
"You'd better stop talking," I tell him. "Your accent makes me horny, and I'm trying to stick to your no-sex plan. Better put on some baggy pants and a big old sweater too."
His sizzling bod in those black briefs is making my mouth water.
"I didn't bring any clothes like that," he says. "The weather's too warm, love."
"Yeah, but I'm still obsessed with screwing you. Can't help it. You look so damn good in... everything. So it's really your fault I'm obsessed with sex."
"I see." He slants toward me until his shoulder bumps into mine, and his voice goes all deep and sexy. "I can grow a thick beard if that will help."
"That will take too long, and besides, I doubt it would alleviate the problem." I slide my fingers along his jaw, loving the scratchy feel of it. "You're way hotter with morning stubble. A beard would probably turn me into a wild animal."
"But I might like that."
I smack his thigh. "Cut that out. No more flirting until you're ready to get naked with me again. Capisce?"
"All right, have it your way." He gets up and stretches, giving me a fantastic view of his body and the lump in his briefs. "What should we do today?"
"Let's play it by ear." I stand and shoo him away. "Go get dressed, you steamy hunk of man candy."