Page 7 of One Hot Roomie
"Both." Chance pauses. "Arden told you she's a virgin?"
"Yes." I relate last night's surprise to Chance and finish up by saying, "So you can see why I want to stay here. She's a charming nutter and the sexiest girl I've ever seen."
"Leave her alone, Reese."
I hate it when he uses his big brother voice. I feel like a schoolboy who got caught stealing girls' bras and shrinking them in the clothes dryer.
And yes, I've done that. Not in ages, though.
But if I shrink Arden's knickers, they'll be almost nonexistent. Hmm... That's not a half bad idea.
"Don't do it," Chance chastises.
He huffs, part humor, part big brother bossiness. "Whatever it is you're thinking of doing. Keep your randy paws off Arden."
"Fine, I will. But don't blame me if the girl tears my clothes off."
"That happens to you all the time, doesn't it? Women going into a sexual frenzy the second they see you. I should call the New York Police Department and warn them of the danger."
"Ha-ha." I grumble, because I know Chance is right and I should keep my randy paws off Arden Clover Pesti. Christ, even her name is oddly arousing. "You trusted me enough to let Elena lend me her apartment, so trust me not to deflower her best friend."
"All right. I'm sure you can't get into too much trouble in two weeks. Then, you'll be in New Hampshire for the wedding, where I can see you."
"Yes, yes, you've done your bloody annoying big brother thing." I hear someone fiddling with the lock on the apartment door and sit forward, feeling bizarrely excited at the prospect of seeing Arden again. "Got to go. See you in New Hampshire, and kiss Elena for me."
"I will."
Though Chance can't see it, I smirk as I say, "Make it a good, deep kiss. From me."
"Bugger off, Reese."
He hangs up on me.
I still hear noises from the door, like Arden is having trouble getting it unlocked, so I rush over there and open the door.
She stumbles into me, her left arm laden with two eco-friendly reusable canvas sacks, while with her right hand she grips the door key. The sharp end of the key stabs me in the gut, but it doesn't really hurt. Not much, anyway. Her entire body careens into me, her breasts mashed against my chest and the top of her head nudging my chin. The shopping sacks seem about to fall out of her grasp, so I hug her to me tighter, strictly to stop her from dropping the sacks.
Yes, that's why I hold on to her luscious little body. For the safety of her groceries.
But she feels so good, so warm and soft but with ample muscle tone. And she smells incredible too. Not like perfume or some other scented whatever, but like it's just the way this woman smells. And it makes my cock wake up.
I ease her away from me and take the sacks. "Are you all right?"
"Me?" she says, staring at me with a vaguely dazed expression. "I stabbed you. Are you okay?"
"You stabbed me with a key, and I don't think those are usually fatal." I smile, and because I'm holding her sacks in one arm, I can pat my belly when I add, "See? Right as rain."
"I've never understood that saying. What's so perfectly right about rain?"
"Don't know." I nod toward the kitchen. "Am I taking your groceries there?"
"Yes, please. Thank you for carrying them."
"I might be a louse, but I'm not rude."
She shuts the door and follows me into the kitchen, where I set the sacks on the counter. Arden starts taking items out and lining them up on the counter in neat little rows.