Page 25 of One Hot Escape
"We meet at last," Dexter says, beaming at us. His accent is British, but a little different from Richard's. "So, you're the man who wants to seduce me."
Richard's lips tighten, but otherwise, he keeps his cool. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Dexter. Let me introduce my companion, Dr. Madeleine Solberg."
Dexter swings his gaze to me. His lips gradually curve into a smile of unmistakable interest. The sexual kind. He glances at my cleavage, and his smile gets even warmer. "Well, it's a true pleasure to meet you, my darling."
"Thank you. I'm honored to be your guest, Sir Dexter."
"Just call me Dexter. That goes for both of you. We don't need to be formal, do we?"
"I guess not. You can call me Maddie if you want."
"Maddie." He says my name slowly, almost like he's savoring the syllables. "I could go mad for you, Maddie."
"Uh, thanks." What am I supposed to say? I've never before been hit on by a famously reclusive, famously eccentric author. "I read your books when I was in high school. You're a wonderful writer."
"High school?" He rakes his gaze over me again, paying special attention to my bosom. "That must have been last year."
"She's an adult, Dexter," Richard says.
"Is she?" the recluse asks. "Well, she's exquisite no matter how old she is. What sort of doctor are you, Maddie?"
"Epidemiologist. I have a PhD, not an MD."
"Fascinating." He rests his elbows on the table, leaning toward me. "Tell me all about yourself, pet."
My mouth falls open, clearly expecting me to produce words, but I can't. This is the strangest dinner party I've ever attended. The only other dinner parties I've been to were held by the Dixons. Those were informal, family-friendly occasions.
I get the feeling Sir Dexter will make a lot of bawdy jokes.
Richard clears his throat. "Could we discuss the contract first? That is why I'm here, after all."
"Yes, but you brought a delectable female with you. How can I concentrate on business?" He keeps looking at me even when he's speaking to Richard. "Are you sleeping with her?"
I doubt Dexter can see it because he's laser-focused on me, but Richard's eyes narrow and his lips crimp a teeny bit. He could wreck his chances of signing Dexter if he gets annoyed with the man's overt interest in me and his impertinent questions. Maybe I can defuse the situation.
Slanting toward Dexter, I pat his hand. "A lady never discusses her liaisons, does she? But Richard is my companion for the evening, so for my sake, maybe you could dial it back a notch or two."
"But you are enchanting, pet."
"You're quite a character, Dexter, and I think we could be friends. But I don't date or sleep with men who are older than my grandfather."
He stares at me for a few seconds, his expression inscrutable. Just when I decide I must've offended him, he busts out laughing. "You have spectacular taste in women, Richard. Madeleine is delightful, especially when she insults me. Maybe I am older than your grandfather, Maddie, but I am exceptionally good in bed. Just ask any woman on Elusion Island. You're sure to find one who's gotten a leg over with me since I've enjoyed at least half of the female population."
My mouth doesn't gape this time, but I seem to have lost the ability to blink. My eyes start to burn from the lack of moisture.
Dexter grins at me, and the many wrinkles on his face deepen. "I've shocked you, haven't I? God, I love doing that. Women are delightful when they're stunned."
I can't help laughing. He's obviously teasing me, and I decide he's not a horrible lech after all. He's just a lonely man who hasn't had much company, so he made up a ridiculous lie for fun.
"Not stunned," I say. "It takes a lot more than you've got to shock me."
"Yes, Dexter, really."
"Please, call me Dex." He scoots his chair to the side, moving closer to me. "Now, do tell me everything about yourself. Have you been sunbathing in the nude? I love to do that, and if you're sweet to me, I might take you down to my beach so we can swim together in the nude."
"Will I be invited?" Richard asks. He doesn't sound annoyed anymore. Instead, he looks and sounds amused.