Page 11 of One Hot Rumor
With his breaths reflecting off my lips, I have trouble thinking. Nick is gorgeous and sexy—smart too, based on the part of his business plan I've read. I might've misjudged him. I'm not interested in a relationship, but maybe I could indulge in a one-night stand with this man.
I shouldn't. It's a bad idea, especially since I'll be seeing him four days a week all summer. How can I have a one-nighter with a student? Well, it could be more than one night. A summer fling, maybe?
My mind is still trying to work out how I can screw Nick Hunter without any consequences when my body makes the decision for me. I can't stop myself from molding my mouth to his. The second our lips touch, an electric current rushes through me, raising every hair on my body and stealing my breath away. His lips feel soft and warm, and they taste faintly of…tea? Guess he found Starbucks after all. I lean in closer to kiss him with more pressure, and when he opens for me, I can't stop myself from plunging my tongue between his lips to savor his mouth.
He slips his tongue between my lips too, groaning so softly I almost don't hear it. But the sound cranks up my lust to the highest setting. Why does he taste so good? Feel so good? The way he coils his tongue around mine makes me moan with the deepest satisfaction I've ever experienced. I need more than a kiss. I need Nick Hunter inside me.
An icy blade of panic stabs into me.
I jerk away from him, rolling my chair backward to get more distance from the irresistible man in front of me. "I'm sorry. That was an accident."
"Accident?" He smirks, and he doesn't back away. Nick still has his hands on my desk and his attention riveted to me. "You'll have to explain to me how you accidentally crashed your mouth into mine. Not sure my insurance covers head-on collisions with the sexy lips of a mathematics professor."
"I meant I didn't mean to do that." Okay, yes, I completely did it on purpose, but I wasn't thinking clearly at the time.
Nick straightens, but he keeps smirking.
Damn, that's hot. I've never liked that expression on anyone else, but he does it with so much steam roiling behind it that I can't help loving his smirk. God, he is irresistible. But Iwillresist him. No one-nighter, no summer fling. Nicholas Hunter is my student, period.
"All right," he says, sighing like I've refused to give him that big bowl of candy he'd wanted. "I'll see you on Monday, Dr. Griffin."
With that, he walks out of my office.
Nick is going to drive me insane. I can't blame him, not entirely, because I'm the one who can't control my lust for that man. I've never met anyone like him. Sometimes he acts like a frat boy, but other times, he behaves like a mature businessman. No matter which persona he adopts, he's always hot and lickable. Oh yes, I'd love to rip his clothes off and lick him from head to toe and back again.
My daughter thinks I need to get laid.
Could she be right about that?
I do my damnedest not to think about Nick Hunter for the rest of the day, creating lesson plans with a single-minded focus like none I've ever marshaled before. Okay, maybe formulating those plans is making me go cross-eyed and giving me a headache, but I need the distraction. Otherwise, I will hunt Nick down, kidnap him, and tie him to my bed so I can screw him all weekend.
This is Friday, after all. No work for the next two days. What else am I going to do? TV gets so boring, and I live in an apartment, so I don't have a garden to tend or a lawn to mow. It's either TV, grocery shopping, or…
Nick Hunter.
Yeah, my kidnapping idea sounds better and better every second.
I do have the address of his apartment. It's in his student record.
No, no, no. I will not go there.
As I rush out of the building, heading for my car in the faculty parking lot, I call Felicity to ask if she wants to spend the weekend hanging out with her mom.
"Sorry, I can't," she says. "Got a job at the cafe on campus. I'm working all weekend."
"Oh. Well, I'm glad you're taking the initiative."
But I wish my daughter could be here to distract me from the British lollipop known as Nick Hunter. No, he's more like a caramel candy, the kind that's hard and melts in your mouth.
"Why don't you call the British hottie?" Felicity asks in a sneaky tone. "I'm sure he'd love to curl up with you on the sofa and—"
"No. Nothing like what you're implying will ever happen."
"I was going to say 'watch the Discovery Channel together,' but whatever you were thinking sounds like lots more fun."
"Please, let's never discuss this subject again."
"Just want you to have fun, Mom. Getting a boyfriend wouldn't kill you."