Page 40 of One Hot Rumor
While Siobhan is laughing with the American Wives Club, Alex pulls me aside.
"Are you interested in a test?" he asks, almost whispering. "Like the one Richard had us do for him when he brought Maddie home."
"Rick and Maddie were already in love. Siobhan and I… Well, I don't know how we feel about each other, so I don't think that sort of test is a good idea."
My brother had asked me and Alex to whisper in Maddie's ear to see if she could tell our voices from Rick's. Maddie has a crackbrained theory about all British men sounding similar, but she wasn't fooled by our test. Not even when I whispered in her ear. Since I'm Rick's twin, you'd think I could've fooled Maddie. But no, she was already so in love with my brother that she knew the difference even while her eyes were covered.
Would Siobhan recognize my voice if I covered her eyes? Or would she think I'm Richard? Don't think I'll test her, not just yet.
"Aren't you in love?" Alex asks. "The way you look at Siobhan, I would've said yes."
"Siobhan would not be fooled by hearing your voice."
"Richard is available."
"Thank you for the suggestion, but I don't want to test my girlfriend today."
Alex pats my shoulder and walks away.
Should I ask Richard to… No, absolutely not. Well, maybe…No, you moron, you will not do that.
But despite what I told Alex, I find myself marching straight to Richard.
Chapter Sixteen
I have no idea what Nick and his brother are talking about, but they're standing close to each other and clearly whispering. Maybe my boyfriend is plotting something. I did get involved with a sexy Brit who has a naughty sense of humor, so I won't be surprised if those two are up to something, well, naughty.
"You look worried, lovey," Pippa Hunter says. She and I have been enjoying a nice conversation, just the two of us. "Don't worry about Nick and his brother. They like to huddle and plot, though the plotting usually starts with Nick. I'm sure you know what he's like."
"I do, for sure." I drag my attention away from the boys to look at Pippa. "I have to admit, I'm still getting used to the twin thing. Nick told me he had an identical twin brother, but it's different to watch them together."
"Did you know they both developed appendicitis within hours of each other? They went in for surgery at the same time, though with different doctors."
"That's odd. Do things like that happen a lot with twins?"
She laughs. "I've only had the one pair. Can't speak for all the others in the world."
"I hope they can't read each other's minds or feel what the other is feeling." I'm only half-joking. What if they can do that? It would be too weird for words. Not that I believe in telepathy.
"You'll have to ask Nick about that," Pippa says. She glances past my shoulder, then smiles and touches my arm. "We'll chat more later. One of them is heading this way."
"Can't you tell them apart?"
"Of course I can."
Pippa walks away just as Nick arrives.
He hooks an arm around my waist and tugs me close. "I hope Mum wasn't regaling you with stories of my childhood adventures."
"Oh, she told me lots about you. And your brother." I boost myself up on my toes to whisper in his ear. "Do you feel it when Richard has sex with Maddie?"
"No, but I wish I could."
"I'm not enough? You need a telepathic harem?"
"You are more than enough for me. And Rick had better not be telepathically spying on me when you and I are at it."