Page 6 of One Hot Rumor
"Am I ever? Being late is a crime, being on time is proper, and being early is a virtue. That's number three on the list of the Griffin Rules of Etiquette."
Sure, I've said that. I don't have an actual list, but hearing her recite my rules makes me sound…so uptight.
Maybe I do need to get laid.
"I better go," Felicity says. "Have fun with Nick the Hot Brit. Bye, Mom."
She hangs up before I can complain about what she called Nick.
He might be hot and British, but I am required to adhere to the university's code of ethics. That means no sex with Nick. No kissing Nick. No flirting with Nick. I should probably avoid him as much as possible, and I will not let myself admire his body. If I must speak to him, I'll look him in the eye.
Those gorgeous blue eyes…
I growl at myself and try to focus on the lesson plans I'd been working on before Felicity called to harass me about my lack of male companionship. I don't notice time passing, but suddenly, I realize the clock on my computer says it's one o'clock. In the afternoon. No wonder my tummy had started grumbling a little while ago.
Rising from my chair, I yawn and stretch.
Since the campus cafeteria is the closest place to get food, I make my way out of Rathbone Hall and across the quad. I've just passed the statue of the Spanish explorer Juan de Oñate when someone calls out my name.
"Dr. Griffin, slow down."
Oh God, nothimagain. I stop and turn to face the man who's striding toward me.
Nick Hunter walks with his shoulders back, his spine straight, and his head held high. A slight smile tugs at his lips, and his gaze is aimed straight at me. Naturally, having his attention focused on me makes a tingly warmth chase over my skin.
He halts too close for my comfort, which means less than a continent separates us. "I love the way you walk, like you've urgently got to be somewhere. It's sexy, Dr. Griffin."
I wish he'd stop calling me that. Wish he'd stop talking, period. And stop standing there, looking gorgeous and edible. In fact, it would be perfect if he could just poof out of existence.
"Did you need something?" I ask, and wince because that sounds like an invitation for him to suggest something dirty. "I mean, something related to your education here at Vallefrio."
He moves closer, his body only two feet from mine. "Yes, Dr. Griffin, I desperately need your help. I can't find my way around this campus."
Sure, he's lost and helpless. I'd bet all the money in my savings account that every female who sees him offers to be his campus guide.
"Try Google Maps," I say. "You can zoom in on the campus to see all the streets and buildings. It even tells you the names of those buildings."
"But I need personal attention from my adviser." He glances around like he's afraid someone might overhear what he says next, then he bends his head to within inches of my face. "I've asked a dozen people, and no one can tell me where to get a decent cuppa."
"Maybe because they don't understand what you're asking for."
"A cuppa."
"Which is what, exactly? Americans don't speak British, Mr. Hunter."
He straightens, and one side of his mouth twists upward. "Yes, I'm beginning to realize that. My brother and my mates told me this would happen, but I assumed they were having me on."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"My brother and our mates, the Dixons, have all married American women. Well, Richard will marry Maddie in a month, but they're already living together."
Why is he telling me about his friends and family? It doesn't clear up the "cuppa" issue at all.
Nick shoves his hands into his jeans pockets and gives me a sheepish look. "Sorry. I'm babbling, aren't I? 'Cuppa' means a cup of tea. I can't find anyplace on this campus where I can get one of those."
"Try Starbucks. It's a block off campus."
"Which way?" He squints as he scans the surroundings, then he suddenly groans and shuts his eyes. "Bugger me."